[LLVMdev] MergeFunctions: reduce complexity to O(log(N))
Stepan Dyatkovskiy
stpworld at narod.ru
Wed Mar 19 12:05:23 PDT 2014
Stepan Dyatkovskiy wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> Please find the fixed patches in attachment.
> Series starts from "constants comparison".
> Below small report of what has been fixed, and answers on your questions.
> cmpTypes:
> > Please add a comment for this method. Include the meaning of the
> returned value. ("man strcmp" for inspiration.)
> Fixed and committed. So you can look in trunk, may be I forgot to do
> something (hope not :-) )
> checkForLosslessBitcast, cmpConstants:
> > Why isn't this using cmpType?
> Fixed.
> > Please put the else on the same line as the closing brace.
> Fixed.
> >> + else if (const VectorType *thisPTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(L))
> > Missing initial capital
> Sorry. Fixed. Actually these typos has been cloned from
> Type::canLosslesslyBitCastTo.
> >> + return cmpNumbers((uint64_t)L, (uint64_t)R);
> >>
> > Please assert on unknown constant.
> That's possible. But what if we really got unknown constant? New comming
> constant types merely depends on MergeFunctions implementation. So we
> get crash if it will happen. And we loose nothing comparing them just as
> pointers. So, do we really need an assertion? Currently I kept it as it
> was. If your answer is "yes, we need it", it would easy to add it:
> case Value::FunctionVal:
> case Value::GlobalVariableVal:
> - case Value::GlobalAliasVal:
> - default: // Unknown constant
> - return cmpNumbers((uint64_t)L, (uint64_t)R);
> + case Value::GlobalAliasVal:
> + return cmpNumbers((uint64_t)L, (uint64_t)R);
> + default:
> + llvm_unreachable("Unknown constant.");
> About variable names: Var1, Var2 vs VarL,VarR.
> I think its better to use L/R concept. Easer to understand what to
> return (-1, or 1) when you see L/R rather than Var1/Var2.
> Var1/Var2 has been kept for functions that are to be removed till the
> end of patch series.
> F1 and F2 names were also kept till the "top level compare method" patch.
> > Alternatively, any reason not to have cmpPointers(const void *L,
> const void *R)?
> I could do it. I just wanted to show that pointers are compared like a
> numbers in some situations. Actually we do it in cases when we have
> absolutely no idea of smarter comparison.
> And back to cmpPonters. Its rather about what intuition tells. If
> pointers are equal as numbers, could they be different somehow? Could
> they be non-castable to numbers on some platforms? The last one is big
> trouble for DenseMapInfo implementation..
> If there is any (even very small) possibility of such cases - then yes,
> I vote for cmpPointers. The last word is up to you anyway.
> Attributes (0005):
> > Attributes already have operator< and operator==. Please reuse them.
> Fixed. I used simple "if":
> if (LA < RA)
> return -1;
> if (RA < LA)
> return 1;
> Though its possible to use:
> if (int Res = (LA < RA) ? -1 : (RA < LA) ? 1 : 0)
> return Res;
> Which one is more preferable?
> cmpGEP (0007):
> > + int cmpGEP(const GEPOperator *GEP1, const GEPOperator *GEP2);
> > + int cmpGEP(const GetElementPtrInst *GEP1,
> > + const GetElementPtrInst *GEP2) {
> >
> > Const members?
> We can't make it constant, since it compares values (cmpValues, aka
> enumerate). So, if we see Value first time, we have to add it into
> sn_mapL/R.
> > I think you should put this under if (DL) { /* declare Offset1,
> Offset2, etc. */ }
> Fixed.
> About 0008:
> > Did you mean "cmpOperation"?
> Yes. We could keep it in one place. I have fixed this case and removed
> > "compare" still returns "bool". I'm going to assume this was meant to
> go in 0009.
> Yes.
> About 0011:
> > std::set is frowned upon, see
> http://llvm.org/docs/ProgrammersManual.html#set . Do you actually rely
> on the stable iterator guarantee? Or would another set-like container be a
> better fit?
> Huh.. I have looked for alternatives. Unfortunately SmallSet is not
> suitable, since we need to lookup existing items, and SmallSet::find
> method is not present. May be I have missed something.
> Actually we need binary tree implementation. Do we have better analogue?
> I could implement new one. Think it should be just one more patch
> afterwards.
> >No. An identifier with underscore then capital letter is reserved for
> the implementation. You can just call them "F" and "DL", then the ctor
> initializer list can be "F(F), DL(DL)" and that will work fine.
> Fixed.
> 0013:
> > Sorry, I'm not sure what this sentence means? The thing your example
> is talking about is showing is that two functions in an SCC may be
> equivalent, and detecting them requires "blinding" (ignoring) certain
> details of the function when you do the comparison. We blind ourselves
> to the pointee types, but not to callees of functions in the same SCC.
> I meant generalising of cross-reference case:
> in old implementation, while comparing F and G functions, we treat as
> equal case when F uses G, with case when G uses F (at the same place).
> It could happen that F uses G1, while G1 uses G2, while G2 uses F. So it
> still the same. But currently we have to invent way how to detect such
> cases.
> Thanks for reviews!
> -Stepan
> Stepan Dyatkovskiy wrote:
>> Hi Nick,
>> I have committed 0001 as r203788.
>> I'm working on fixes for 0002 - 0014.
>> > After reading through this patch series, I feel like I'm missing
>> > something important. Where's the sort function? It looks like we're
>> > still comparing all functions to all other functions.
>> When you insert functions into std::set or its analogs it does all the
>> job for you. Since internally it builds a binary tree using "less"
>> comparison, and each insert/look-up operation takes O(log(N)) time.
>> -Stepan.
>> Nick Lewycky wrote:
>>> On 27 February 2014 08:23, Stepan Dyatkovskiy <stpworld at narod.ru
>>> <mailto:stpworld at narod.ru>> wrote:
>>> Hi Nick,
>>> I tried to rework changes as you requested. One of patches (0004
>>> with extra assertions) has been removed.
>>> > + bool isEquivalentType(Type *Ty1, Type *Ty2) const {
>>> > + return cmpType(Ty1, Ty2) == 0;
>>> > + }
>>> >
>>> > Why do we still need isEquivalentType? Can we nuke this?
>>> Yup. After applying all the patches isEquivalentType will be totally
>>> replaced with cmpType. All isEqXXXX and friends will be removed in
>>> 0011 (old 0012). No traces left.
>>> Old function wasn't removed in 0001 just for keeping patches without
>>> extra noise like:
>>> - something that uses isEquivalentType
>>> + something that uses cmpType
>>> The point is, that "something" that uses isEquivalentType, will be
>>> also replaced with one of next patches in this series.
>>> >
>>> > +static int cmpNumbers(uint64_t L, uint64_t R) {
>>> > + if (L < R) return -1;
>>> > + if (L > R) return 1;
>>> > + return 0;
>>> > +}
>>> >
>>> > At a high level, you don't actually need a <=> operator to use a
>>> sort. A
>>> > strict ordering ( < operator) is sufficient. (Note that for
>>> mergefunc, a
>>> > strict weak ordering is not sufficient, it must be a total
>>> ordering.)
>>> That could be done with int FunctionComparator::compare(). We can
>>> replace it with bool FunctionComparator::less(). Though for all
>>> other cmp methods need at least 2 bits of information as result:
>>> 1. Whether things are equal.
>>> 2. Whether left less than right.
>>> As for FunctionComparator::compare(), conversion into less() will
>>> increase time of sanity check (patch #0010).
>>> Sanity check is just a sweet bonus. It checks that ordering
>>> implemented properly (checks order relation properties).
>>> Turning compare() into less() mean, that we'll have to run
>>> comparison two times: L.less(R) and R.less(L). But may be sanity
>>> check is not a thing to be published at all.
>>> >
>>> > Consider hoisting this inside the FunctionComparator class? That
>>> class
>>> > should have a bunch of implementations of comparisons between
>>> various
>>> > different things, which can pass down to other methods in the
>>> same class.
>>> In new patch series attached to this post, I have moved all static
>>> methods into FunctionComparator.
>>> > + // Replacement for type::canLosslesslyBitCastTo, that
>>> > + // establish order relation on this kind of properties.
>>> > + int checkForLosslessBitcast(const Type *L, const Type *R);
>>> >
>>> > Type:: not type:: . Please make this comment more descriptive.
>>> Done.
>>> [new comment]
>>> Replacement for Type::canLosslesslyBitCastTo, that
>>> establish order relation on this kind of properties
>>> Returns 0, if L and R types could be converted to each other without
>>> reinterpretation of bits.
>>> Otherwise method returns -1 or 1, defining total ordering between
>>> types in context of lossless bitcastability trait.
>>> E.g.: if L is less than R (result is -1), than every type that
>>> could be
>>> losslessly bitcasted to L is less than R.
>>> [/new comment]
>>> >
>>> > + /// Replacement for C1 == getBitCast(C2, C1Ty)
>>> > + /// Its more controllable, and supposed to be simpler and more
>>> > predictionable.
>>> > + /// As very important advantage: it allows to introduce order
>>> relation on
>>> > + /// constants set, and thus use it as trait in refinement
>>> routines.
>>> >
>>> > "Its" --> "It's". "predictionable" --> "predictable". And how is
>>> it more
>>> > predictable? I think this comment would be better if it
>>> described the
>>> > function instead of making comparisons between it and other
>>> functions.
>>> > Something like, "Compare constants under a system where pointer
>>> to X and
>>> > pointer to Y are considered equal" or whatever is actually true
>>> here.
>>> Done.
>>> [new comment]
>>> Replacement for C1 == getBitCast(C2, C1Ty)
>>> Parses constants contents, assuming that types are losslessly
>>> bitcasted between each other. So actually it ignores types and only
>>> compares bits from L and R.
>>> Returns 0, if L and R has equivalent content.
>>> -1 or 1 if values are different. Maintaining total ordering requires
>>> two values that indicates non-equivalence (L less R, L greater R).
>>> [/new comment]
>>> >
>>> > +enum ConstantType {
>>> > I'm not sure that this buys you much. All the "isa" tests can be
>>> broken
>>> > down into a switch on getValueID() with the one exception of
>>> isNullValue().
>>> Done.
>>> > + assert(
>>> > +
>>> C1->getType()->__canLosslesslyBitCastTo(C2->__getType()) &&
>>> > + "Pass is healthless. checkForLosslessBitcast should be
>>> twin of "
>>> > + "canLosslesslyBitCastTo method, except the case when the
>>> last one "
>>> > + "returns false, the first one should return -1 or 1");
>>> ...
>>> > I think we can skip the asserts here. They aren't detecting a
>>> specific
>>> > bug, they're checking whether the new code does a certain task
>>> relative
>>> > to the old code. Drop the old code, your new code is the new
>>> sheriff in
>>> > town.
>>> Asserts has been removed.
>>> >
>>> > + DenseMap<const Value*, int> sn_map1, sn_map2;
>>> >
>>> > What is sn short for ("seen")? Why are there two of these?
>>> Serial number :-)
>>> >
>>> > + std::pair<DenseMap<const Value *, int>::iterator, bool>
>>> > + LeftSN = sn_map1.insert(std::make_pair(__V1,
>>> sn_map1.size())),
>>> > + RightSN = sn_map2.insert(std::make_pair(__V2,
>>> sn_map2.size()));
>>> >
>>> > So I think I get it, this is easy to reason about. You number
>>> each value
>>> > going down both functions. But I think you can eliminate one of
>>> these
>>> > maps because you know that if the left and right were ever
>>> different
>>> > then we terminate the comparison immediately. You can at least
>>> share one
>>> > map with both V1 and V2, but I think you can reduce the number
>>> of map
>>> > insertions.
>>> Not sure. Consider that in left you have:
>>> %A = alloca i32
>>> %B = alloca i32
>>> store i32 1, i32* %A
>>> And in right:
>>> %A = alloca i32
>>> %B = alloca i32
>>> store i32 1, i32* %B
>>> When we meet 'store' instruction we need to check in which order %A
>>> was allocated at left and in which order %B was allocated at right.
>>> So for each value in function we have to assign serial number. Then
>>> comparing to local values from different functions we can just check
>>> their serial numbers.
>>> Though, may be I missed something? May be there is another way to
>>> determine "who was first".
>>> > High-level question, are attributes ordered? Your comparison is
>>> ordered.
>>> > So if I have function F with string attributes "sse2",
>>> "gc=hemisphere"
>>> > and another function G with string attributes "gc=hemisphere",
>>> "sse2"
>>> > then they would be considered different. I don't think that's
>>> right.
>>> I didn't check it. But if it is not ordered, we could order it
>>> lexicographically.
>>> >
>>> > + int cmpOperation(const Instruction *I1, const Instruction *I2)
>>> const;
>>> > +
>>> > bool isEquivalentOperation(const Instruction *I1,
>>> > - const Instruction *I2) const;
>>> > + const Instruction *I2) const {
>>> > + return cmpOperation(I1, I2) == 0;
>>> > + }
>>> >
>>> > Hopefully this patch series ultimately eliminates calls of
>>> > isEquivalentOperation?
>>> Of course. Just like isEquivalentType.
>>> > By the way, this is an interesting one. Should "add x, y" and
>>> "add nsw
>>> > x, y" be equal or not?
>>> Yeah. Those are interesting questions. We could even treat 'mul a,
>>> 2' and 'shl a,1' as equal in some cases. I think it's matter of time
>>> and further optimization.
>>> Please find first reworked patches in attachment.
>>> I am extremely concerned that you may end up with A < B and B < C but A
>>> > C. There are cases where you use cmpTypes to compare two types, then
>>> others where you compare them via cmpNumbers. The only way to ensure
>>> that the sort function is self-consistent is to be entirely consistent
>>> with how we traverse the function.
>>> 0001:
>>> + int cmpType(Type *Ty1, Type *Ty2) const;
>>> +
>>> Please add a comment for this method. Include the meaning of the
>>> returned value. ("man strcmp" for inspiration.)
>>> + static int cmpNumbers(uint64_t L, uint64_t R);
>>> Optional: is there any benefit to making this static instead of a const
>>> method? It doesn't need access to the 'this' pointer, but it seems like
>>> that's an incidental artifact of the implementation. The other cmp*
>>> members are const methods.
>>> + return cmpNumbers(FTy1->isVarArg(), FTy2->isVarArg());;
>>> Extra semi-colon.
>>> I trust you to apply the fixes above, you can choose to commit the patch
>>> without going through another round of review with me.
>>> 0002:
>>> +int FunctionComparator::checkForLosslessBitcast(const Type *L, const
>>> Type *R) {
>>> ...
>>> + int TypesRes = cmpNumbers((uint64_t) L, (uint64_t) R);
>>> ...
>>> + return TypesRes;
>>> Why isn't this using cmpType? Alternatively, any reason not to have
>>> cmpPointers(const void *L, const void *R)?
>>> + }
>>> + else {
>>> Please put the else on the same line as the closing brace.
>>> + else if (const VectorType *thisPTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(L))
>>> Missing initial capital, see
>>> http://llvm.org/docs/CodingStandards.html#name-types-functions-variables-and-enumerators-properly
>>> . Also, I find it odd that you switch from "L" and "R" to "this" and
>>> "that". Please make those consistent, probably on left and right.
>>> 0003:
>>> + int cmpConstants(const Constant *L, const Constant *R);
>>> Any reason this method isn't const?
>>> +int FunctionComparator::cmpConstants(const Constant *L, const Constant
>>> *R) {
>>> +
>>> + // Pack null value as one more Value ID
>>> + unsigned LType = L->isNullValue() ? 0 : L->getValueID() + 1;
>>> + unsigned RType = R->isNullValue() ? 0 : R->getValueID() + 1;
>>> +
>>> + if (int Res = cmpNumbers(LType, RType))
>>> + return Res;
>>> +
>>> + if (LType == 0)
>>> + return 0;
>>> +
>>> + switch (LType-1) {
>>> Optional: how about:
>>> if (L->isNullValue() && R->isNullValue())
>>> return cmpType(L->getType(), R->getType());
>>> if (L->isNullValue() && !R->isNullValue())
>>> return 1;
>>> if (!L->isNullValue() && R->isNullVaue())
>>> return -1;
>>> if (int Res = cmpNumbers(L->getValueID(), R->getValueID()))
>>> return Res;
>>> switch (L->getValueID()) {
>>> ? In particular I'm not a fan of how LType/RType are equal to valueID+1,
>>> even with the comment.
>>> + case Value::FunctionVal:
>>> + case Value::GlobalVariableVal:
>>> + case Value::GlobalAliasVal:
>>> + default: // Unknown constant
>>> + return cmpNumbers((uint64_t)L, (uint64_t)R);
>>> Please assert on unknown constant.
>>> How are function, global variable and alias reachable here?
>>> 0004:
>>> Thanks for the comment on sn_mapL/R!
>>> +int FunctionComparator::cmpEnumerate(const Value *V1, const Value
>>> *V2) {
>>> "Compare enumerate"? This name doesn't make sense to me. "cmpValue"
>>> perhaps?
>>> + const Constant *C1 = dyn_cast<Constant>(V1);
>>> + const Constant *C2 = dyn_cast<Constant>(V2);
>>> + if (C1 && C2) {
>>> + if (V1 == V2) return 0;
>>> // TODO: constant expressions with GEP or references to F1 or F2.
>>> - if (C1->isNullValue() && C2->isNullValue() &&
>>> - isEquivalentType(C1->getType(), C2->getType()))
>>> - return true;
>>> - // Try bitcasting C2 to C1's type. If the bitcast is legal and
>>> returns C1
>>> - // then they must have equal bit patterns.
>>> - return checkForLosslessBitcast(C1->getType(), C2->getType()) ==
>>> 0 &&
>>> - cmpConstants(C1, C2) == 0;
>>> + if (C1->isNullValue() && C2->isNullValue()) {
>>> + if (int Res = cmpType(C1->getType(), C2->getType()))
>>> + return Res;
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + // Check whether C2 and C1 has equal bit patterns.
>>> + if (int Res = checkForLosslessBitcast(C1->getType(),
>>> C2->getType()))
>>> + return Res;
>>> +
>>> + // Compare C1 and the bitcast result.
>>> + if (int Res = cmpConstants(C1, C2))
>>> + return Res;
>>> +
>>> + return 0;
>>> }
>>> + if (C1)
>>> + return -1;
>>> + if (C2)
>>> + return 1;
>>> I'm confused why this isn't just using cmpConstants? I think the
>>> isNullValue to cmpType check is already in cmpConstants, why not move
>>> the checkForLosslessBitcast there? Is cmpConstants used from elsewhere
>>> and needs to not have that check?
>>> + std::pair<DenseMap<const Value *, int>::iterator, bool>
>>> + LeftSN = sn_mapL.insert(std::make_pair(V1, sn_mapL.size())),
>>> + RightSN = sn_mapR.insert(std::make_pair(V2, sn_mapR.size()));
>>> "auto"?
>>> 0005:
>>> Okay, this makes attributes ordered.
>>> + enum AttrType {
>>> + Enum,
>>> + Align,
>>> + Other
>>> + } LeftAttrType = Other, RightAttrType = Other;
>>> +
>>> + if (LA.isAlignAttribute()) LeftAttrType = Align;
>>> + else if (LA.isEnumAttribute()) LeftAttrType = Enum;
>>> + if (RA.isAlignAttribute()) RightAttrType = Align;
>>> + else if (RA.isEnumAttribute()) RightAttrType = Enum;
>>> +
>>> + if (int Res = cmpNumbers(LeftAttrType, RightAttrType))
>>> + return Res;
>>> +
>>> + switch (LeftAttrType) {
>>> + case Enum:
>>> + if (int Res = cmpNumbers(LA.getKindAsEnum(),
>>> RA.getKindAsEnum()))
>>> + return Res;
>>> + break;
>>> + case Align:
>>> + if (int Res = cmpNumbers(LA.getValueAsInt(),
>>> RA.getValueAsInt()))
>>> + return Res;
>>> + break;
>>> + case Other:
>>> + if (int Res = cmpStrings(LA.getKindAsString(),
>>> RA.getKindAsString()))
>>> + return Res;
>>> + if (int Res = cmpStrings(LA.getValueAsString(),
>>> RA.getValueAsString()))
>>> + return Res;
>>> + break;
>>> + }
>>> Attributes already have operator< and operator==. Please reuse them.
>>> 0006:
>>> This looks fine.
>>> 0007:
>>> + int cmpGEP(const GEPOperator *GEP1, const GEPOperator *GEP2);
>>> + int cmpGEP(const GetElementPtrInst *GEP1,
>>> + const GetElementPtrInst *GEP2) {
>>> Const members?
>>> + unsigned BitWidth = DL ? DL->getPointerSizeInBits(AS1) : 1;
>>> + APInt Offset1(BitWidth, 0), Offset2(BitWidth, 0);
>>> + if (DL &&
>>> + (GEP1->accumulateConstantOffset(*DL, Offset1) &&
>>> + GEP2->accumulateConstantOffset(*DL, Offset2)))
>>> + return cmpAPInt(Offset1, Offset2);
>>> I think you should put this under if (DL) { /* declare Offset1, Offset2,
>>> etc. */ }
>>> 0008:
>>> + // TODO: Already checked in cmpOps
>>> Did you mean "cmpOperation"?
>>> - if (!enumerate(F1BB, F2BB) || !compare(F1BB, F2BB))
>>> + if (!enumerate(F1BB, F2BB) || compare(F1BB, F2BB) != 0)
>>> "compare" still returns "bool". I'm going to assume this was meant to go
>>> in 0009.
>>> 0009:
>>> Looks fine.
>>> 0010: not reviewing this now.
>>> 0011:
>>> Yay!
>>> 0012:
>>> + typedef std::set<FunctionPtr> FnTreeType;
>>> std::set is frowned upon, see
>>> http://llvm.org/docs/ProgrammersManual.html#set . Do you actually rely
>>> on the stable iterator guarantee? Or would another set-like container be
>>> a better fit?
>>> + FunctionPtr(Function *_F, const DataLayout *_DL) : F(_F), DL(_DL) {}
>>> No. An identifier with underscore then capital letter is reserved for
>>> the implementation. You can just call them "F" and "DL", then the ctor
>>> initializer list can be "F(F), DL(DL)" and that will work fine.
>>> 0013:
>>> +// a ² a (reflexivity)
>>> I'm seeing a "squared" between the two 'a's. Could you represent this in
>>> plain ASCII?
>>> +// Comparison iterates through each instruction in each basic block.
>>> Two spaces before "iterates" should be one.
>>> +// While ability to deal with complex references could be really
>>> perspective.
>>> Sorry, I'm not sure what this sentence means? The thing your example is
>>> talking about is showing is that two functions in an SCC may be
>>> equivalent, and detecting them requires "blinding" (ignoring) certain
>>> details of the function when you do the comparison. We blind ourselves
>>> to the pointee types, but not to callees of functions in the same SCC.
>>> 0014:
>>> Yay again!
>>> After reading through this patch series, I feel like I'm missing
>>> something important. Where's the sort function? It looks like we're
>>> still comparing all functions to all other functions.
>>> Nick
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