[LLVMdev] [ARM] [PIC] optimizing the loading of hidden global variable

Weiming Zhao weimingz at codeaurora.org
Wed Mar 12 10:43:59 PDT 2014



When I’m compiling a code with –fvisibility=hidden –fPIC for ARM, I find
that LLVM generates less optimized code than GCC.


For example:



void init(void *);


int g0[100];

int g1[100];

int g2[100];


void foo() {






Clang will emit 1 GOT entry for each GV and 2 instructions to get the

        ldr     r0, .LCPI0_2

        add     r0, r0, r4

         bl      _Z4initPv(PLT)


GCC  does this only for the first GV. The rest GV address are computed

        ldr     r4, .L2


        add     r4, pc, r4   è get &g0 via GOT_PC Relative

        mov     r0, r4

        bl      _Z4initPv(PLT)

        add     r0, r4, #400    è get &g1

        bl      _Z4initPv(PLT)

        add     r0, r4, #800  è get &g2

        ldmfd   sp!, {r4, lr}

        b       _Z4initPv(PLT)


        .align  2


        .word   .LANCHOR0-(.LPIC0+8)  è 1 GOT offset entry


It seems it’s a missing optimizing opportunity for LLVM both in code size
and performance, any ideas? If so, I can open a bug and try to fix it.






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