[LLVMdev] building a native mips compiler using clang/llvm running cross for x86

reed kotler rkotler at mips.com
Fri Feb 21 16:14:34 PST 2014

In the past we have used gcc mips to build the native clang/llvm 
compilers for mips targets.

We did at one point also use clang/llvm to do this but our nightly build 
bots use gcc.

Now when I try and do a configure and make using clang/llvm as the first 
stage compiler , I run into a few problems.

First, when compiling compression.cpp it could not find zlib.h.
I told it to --disable-zlib on the configure step.

That seemed to make the "make" after configure happy until it tried to 
build valgrind.

Now it fails there, even after --disable-valgrind

I assume other people are building native (non x86) compilers using 

Is there some magic incantation I don't know about?

Does configure/make still work for this or do you have to use cmake now?

Since moving up to 4.7.3 (required now), we have a few failures in make 
check that I am working to resolve.

I would prefer to switch to using clang/llvm and not figure out what is 
quite possibly a gcc bug.

In any case, I would like to use the clang/llvm mips cross compiler for 
this anyway.



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