[LLVMdev] better code for IV
Shemer, Anat
anat.shemer at intel.com
Tue Feb 18 23:32:13 PST 2014
Hi Andrew,
The issue below refers to LSR, so I'll appreciate your feedback. It also refers to instruction combining and might impact backends other than X86, so if you know of others that might be interested you are more than welcome to add them.
Thanks, Anat
From: Shemer, Anat
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 15:07
To: 'llvmdev at cs.uiuc.edu'
Subject: better code for IV
I will be glad if you can give me some advice on how to make LLVM generate better code for IV in a simple loop case. There is IR sample below, I know of one way to do it, and I'm looking for advice on another way.
When compiling a simple C loop (c[i]=a[i]+b[i], a, b, c are float*), the IR starts as follows:
define void @ArrayAdd1(float* nocapture %a, float* nocapture %b, float* nocapture %c, i64 %iNumElements) {
br label %L_pre_head
L_pre_head: ; preds = %Entry
br label %L_entry
L_entry: ; preds = %L_entry, %L_pre_head
%L_ind_var = phi i64 [ 0, %L_pre_head ], [ %L_inc_ind_var, %L_entry ]
%L_tid = phi i64 [ 0, %L_pre_head ], [ %L_inc_tid, %L_entry ]
%trunc = trunc i64 %L_tid to i32
%idxprom = sext i32 %trunc to i64
%arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds float* %a, i64 %idxprom
%0 = load float* %arrayidx, align 4
%arrayidx2 = getelementptr inbounds float* %b, i64 %idxprom
%1 = load float* %arrayidx2, align 4
%add = fadd float %0, %1
%arrayidx4 = getelementptr inbounds float* %c, i64 %idxprom
store float %add, float* %arrayidx4, align 4
%L_inc_ind_var = add nuw nsw i64 %L_ind_var, 1
%L_cmp.to.max = icmp eq i64 %L_inc_ind_var, %iNumElements
%L_inc_tid = add nuw nsw i64 %L_tid, 1
br i1 %L_cmp.to.max, label %L_exit, label %L_entry
L_exit: ; preds = %L_entry
br label %2
; <label>:2 ; preds = %L_exit
ret void
And after going through all passes before code generation it becomes:
define void @ArrayAdd1(float * nocapture %a, float * nocapture %b, float * nocapture %c, i64 %iNumElements)
br label %L_pre_head
L_pre_head: ; preds = %Entry
br label %L_entry
L_entry: ; preds = %L_entry, %L_pre_head
%L_ind_var = phi i64 [ 0, %L_pre_head ], [ %L_inc_ind_var, %L_entry ]
%L_tid = phi i64 [ 0, %L_pre_head ], [ %L_inc_tid, %L_entry ]
%sext = shl i64 %L_tid, 32
%idxprom = ashr exact i64 %sext, 32
%arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds float * %a, i64 %idxprom
%0 = load float * %arrayidx, align 4
%arrayidx2 = getelementptr inbounds float * %b, i64 %idxprom
%1 = load float * %arrayidx2, align 4
%add = fadd float %0, %1
%arrayidx4 = getelementptr inbounds float * %c, i64 %idxprom
store float %add, float * %arrayidx4, align 4
%L_inc_ind_var = add nuw nsw i64 %L_ind_var, 1
%L_cmp.to.max = icmp eq i64 %L_inc_ind_var, %iNumElements
%L_inc_tid = add nuw nsw i64 %L_tid, 1
br i1 %L_cmp.to.max, label %L_exit, label %L_entry
L_exit: ; preds = %L_entry
br label %2
; <label>:2 ; preds = %L_exit
ret void
On the way to code gen the IR goes through some additional passes, among them the LSR in LoopStrengthReduce.cpp. This pass promotes the shl operation out of the loop. As a result the generated code is awkward and uses 4 registers for IV management instead of 2 (see transformed IR and result asm below).
One way to deal with this is to prevent the transformation of
%trunc = trunc i64 %L_tid to i32
%idxprom = sext i32 %trunc to i64
%sext = shl i64 %L_tid, 32
%idxprom = ashr exact i64 %sext, 32
Sext(trunk()) remains nice until code gen and one asm instruction of the sort "move %eax, %rax" is generated, as I want (see asm sample at the end of this message). I implemented this locally in InstCombineCasts.cpp, in InstCombiner::visitSExt(). The code looks for the specific pattern of sext32to64(trunk64to32()) and doesn't let it become ashr(shl()).
Another way that I can think of, is to keep ashr32(shl32()) together and then it's possible to replace both instructions with one asm instruction (a la "move %eax, %rax") and avoid an additional register for monitoring end of loop. I'm not sure what is the right point in LSRInstance::LSRInstance to avoid this optimization.
Do you think that the first way is ok? If you think that this should be done in the second way or a third way I will appreciate your guidance.
Thanks, Anat
The IR after LSR:
define void @ArrayAdd1(float* nocapture %a, float* nocapture %b, float* nocapture %c, i64 %iNumElements) {
br label %L_pre_head
L_pre_head: ; preds = %Entry
br label %L_entry
L_entry: ; preds = %L_entry, %L_pre_head
%lsr.iv1 = phi i64 [ %lsr.iv.next2, %L_entry ], [ 0, %L_pre_head ]
%lsr.iv = phi i64 [ %lsr.iv.next, %L_entry ], [ %iNumElements, %L_pre_head ]
%idxprom = ashr exact i64 %lsr.iv1, 32
%arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds float* %a, i64 %idxprom
%0 = load float* %arrayidx, align 4
%arrayidx2 = getelementptr inbounds float* %b, i64 %idxprom
%1 = load float* %arrayidx2, align 4
%add = fadd float %0, %1
%arrayidx4 = getelementptr inbounds float* %c, i64 %idxprom
store float %add, float* %arrayidx4, align 4
%lsr.iv.next = add i64 %lsr.iv, -1
%lsr.iv.next2 = add i64 %lsr.iv1, 4294967296
%L_cmp.to.max = icmp eq i64 %lsr.iv.next, 0
br i1 %L_cmp.to.max, label %L_exit, label %L_entry
L_exit: ; preds = %L_entry
br label %2
; <label>:2 ; preds = %L_exit
ret void
Asm code:
ArrayAdd1: # @ArrayAdd1
# BB#0: # %Entry
xorl %r9d, %r9d
movabsq $4294967296, %r8 # imm = 0x100000000
.align 16, 0x90
.LBB0_1: # %L_entry
# =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
movq %r9, %rax
sarq $32, %rax
movss (%rdi,%rax,4), %xmm0
addss (%rsi,%rax,4), %xmm0
movss %xmm0, (%rdx,%rax,4)
addq %r8, %r9
decq %rcx
jne .LBB0_1
# BB#2:
This is what I want to get:
ArrayAdd2: # @ArrayAdd2
# BB#0: # %Entry
xorl %eax, %eax
.align 16, 0x90
.LBB1_1: # %L_entry
# =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
movslq %eax, %r8
movss (%rdi,%r8,4), %xmm0
addss (%rsi,%r8,4), %xmm0
movss %xmm0, (%rdx,%r8,4)
incq %rax
cmpq %rax, %rcx
jne .LBB1_1
# BB#2:
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