[LLVMdev] [RFC] Removing static initializers for command line options

Chris Bieneman cbieneman at apple.com
Fri Aug 29 13:38:39 PDT 2014

This is where I thought you might be going, and I’m glad we’re now talking on the same page.

I think the philosophically I agree with you on most points, but I do have a few comments and disagreements.

On Aug 29, 2014, at 1:09 PM, Chandler Carruth <chandlerc at google.com> wrote:

> So, trying to quickly reply to what I think may be a high-level point of confusion that we should sift through early:
> On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 8:53 AM, Chris Bieneman <cbieneman at apple.com> wrote:
> Oddly enough the argument string IS optional, but you must have either an argument string or cl::Positional (but not both). It is probably reasonable to define two registerOption() calls one that takes an argument string and description, and one that only takes a description and implies cl::Positional.
> I think all of this comes down to the point you make below: 
> It seems to me like you’re suggesting an end solution where cl::opt still exists for tool-specific options, and the register/get API exists for all of the other options littered around the compiler. While I’m not going to object strongly to this idea because it does serve my purposes (getting rid of static initializers in the libraries), I don’t particularly care for this. I think fundamentally if we are aiming to provide a better API for defining options, I don’t think there is any reason not to use that API everywhere and to abandon the existing one completely. If you disagree, please let me know.
> Ah, ok, here we have uncovered what I suspect is the underpinning set of different assumptions / directions that are creating some of the confusion. Now that you've put your finger on it (thanks!) I'll try actually address this. Sorry if this is a bit of a re-statement, but hopefully it'll at least let you respond directly with where my thinking has gone off the rails.
> So I am definitely trying to design this as a system totally divorced from the tool-specific options, or actually a command line system of any form. That's why stuff like positional arguments and the cl::opt tie-ins aren't showing up in my thoughts and suggestions.  What you say makes perfect sense if we're building a replacement for *all* of cl::opt's functionality. While I would be interested in trying to do that (and we already have one replacement in tree used by Clang and LLD to parse command line options), I'm suggesting that what the LLVM *libraries* need is something completely separable from a command line interface, but which is easy to build a command line interface around.

I think this is absolutely correct in the general sense. When you are talking about libraries as clients the notion of a command line just doesn’t makes sense in all use cases, so it stands to reason you need some completely new abstraction. But...

> The way I'm thinking of this is as a generic collection of optional key->value settings. The libraries don't have any business mucking with positional parameters, non-hidden options, or the other concerns of a command line system, and the code it uses (and the APIs it uses) to register and use these options is a *better* interface when it is narrower and doesn't have to support these features.

While it is true that we probably don’t need to allow the libraries to mess around with positional parameters, non-hidden options are (I think) a different story. If you look at include/llvm/CodeGen/CommandFlags.h, there are a number of flags defined here that are not positional, not hidden, but only relevant to the CodeGen library. It is probably reasonable that these flags be transitioned to the new API, but they also should be exposed on the command line.

Aside from those options there are probably very few cases where it actually makes sense for library options to not be hidden, although I must add the caveat that I’m sure there are plenty of library options that are not hidden today and making this change will make them hidden. I’m ok with this, but it does change one of my original goals because it will actually modify the behavior of the command line.

> Now, I think we should still be able to expose these via the 'cl::opt' layer in the tools that are using that layer. But we should also be able to expose it via an API to say webkit or whomever needs it there. And we should be able to wrap it in a nicer command line interface in Clang.

I think this is a big step in the right direction for clients of LLVM libraries that aren’t command line driven, so this would be a big win.

> Is that a convincing argument for you to restrict the scope of this interface? Maybe there are other things that you'd like to do here that motivate going the other direction?

How do you feel about also providing a fluent-style API for toggling the (hopefully) uncommon options?


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