[LLVMdev] Reflexions about a new HDL language

Jonas Baggett jonasb at tranquille.ch
Wed Sep 18 10:58:30 PDT 2013

Le 30. 08. 13 11:59, David Chisnall a écrit :
> If you're designing a new high-level HDL, then it would be a good idea to familiarise yourself with the state of the art in this area (e.g. Bluespec System Verilog, Symbolics Processor Designer, and similar tools).

That's a good idea before I go too far , and I think that MyHDL worths a 
look too. For Symbolics Processor Designer, I tried to find that in 
google, but I am not sure that I found what you were speaking about. Do 
you have a link ?

I just discover that this mailing list is for speaking about LLVM 
developpement and usage only, so for all non LLVM related discussions, 
go to 


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