[LLVMdev] loop vectorizer

Frank Winter fwinter at jlab.org
Wed Oct 30 18:10:32 PDT 2013

>> What needs to be done (on a high level) in order to have the auto vectorizer succeed on the test function as given erlier?
> Maybe you could rewrite the loop in a way that will expose contiguous memory accesses. Is this something you could do ?

Hi Nadav,

the only option I see is to unroll the loop by hand. Since the array 
access is consecutive over 4 loop iterations I gave it a try and 
unrolled the loop by a factor of 4.  Which gives the following array 

loop iter 0:
index_0 = 0   index_1 = 4
index_0 = 1   index_1 = 5
index_0 = 2   index_1 = 6
index_0 = 3   index_1 = 7

loop iter 1:
index_0 = 8   index_1 = 12
index_0 = 9   index_1 = 13
index_0 = 10   index_1 = 14
index_0 = 11   index_1 = 15

For completeness, here the code:

void bar(std::uint64_t start, std::uint64_t end, float * __restrict__  
c, float * __restrict__ a, float * __restrict__ b)
   const std::uint64_t inner = 4;
   for (std::uint64_t i = start ; i < end ; i+=4 ) {
       const std::uint64_t ir0 = ( ((i+0)/inner) * 2 + 0 ) * inner + 
       const std::uint64_t ir1 = ( ((i+0)/inner) * 2 + 1 ) * inner + 
       c[ ir0 ]         = a[ ir0 ]         + b[ ir0 ];
       c[ ir1 ]         = a[ ir1 ]         + b[ ir1 ];
       const std::uint64_t ir0 = ( ((i+1)/inner) * 2 + 0 ) * inner + 
       const std::uint64_t ir1 = ( ((i+1)/inner) * 2 + 1 ) * inner + 
       c[ ir0 ]         = a[ ir0 ]         + b[ ir0 ];
       c[ ir1 ]         = a[ ir1 ]         + b[ ir1 ];
       const std::uint64_t ir0 = ( ((i+2)/inner) * 2 + 0 ) * inner + 
       const std::uint64_t ir1 = ( ((i+2)/inner) * 2 + 1 ) * inner + 
       c[ ir0 ]         = a[ ir0 ]         + b[ ir0 ];
       c[ ir1 ]         = a[ ir1 ]         + b[ ir1 ];
       const std::uint64_t ir0 = ( ((i+3)/inner) * 2 + 0 ) * inner + 
       const std::uint64_t ir1 = ( ((i+3)/inner) * 2 + 1 ) * inner + 
       c[ ir0 ]         = a[ ir0 ]         + b[ ir0 ];
       c[ ir1 ]         = a[ ir1 ]         + b[ ir1 ];

This should be an ideal test case for the SLP vectorizer, right?

It seems, I am out of luck:

opt -O3 -vectorize-slp -debug loop.ll -S

SLP: Analyzing blocks in _Z3barmmPfS_S_.
SLP: Found 8 stores to vectorize.
SLP: Analyzing a store chain of length 8.
SLP: Trying to vectorize starting at PHIs (1)
SLP: Vectorizing a list of length = 2.
SLP: Vectorizing a list of length = 2.
SLP: Vectorizing a list of length = 2.

But the resulting IR is not showing any vector instructions. Maybe it's 
me. I never got the SLP vectortizer to do anything good. Any idea what 
might go wrong?

I also tries the loop vectorizer:

opt -O3 -loop-vectorize -debug-only=loop-vectorize -debug loop.ll -S

LV: Checking a loop in "_Z3barmmPfS_S_"
LV: Found a loop: for.body
LV: SCEV could not compute the loop exit count.
LV: Not vectorizing.

Hm.. This was better with the unrolled loop. At least it could find the 
loop exit count. Any idea why it can't find it now?


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