[LLVMdev] [Propose] Add address-taken bit to GlobalVariable for disambiguation purpose

Shuxin Yang shuxin.llvm at gmail.com
Tue Oct 29 19:11:35 PDT 2013

>> 2) is just for being pedantic :-)
>> One might otherwise argue in this snippet, x apparently does not have
>> its addr taken,
>> however, it's illegal to say  that "x" and "*p" don't alias.
> Wait, really? I thought that "volatile static int x" just meant that the value of x was volatile; not that 'x' might spontaneously start referring to some other memory location.

You are right. I mixed this proposal with a project I did before.
In that project the interface is asymmetric and the return value take 
into account
of concurrent access.

Sorry for being sloppy. Please ignore 2) completely.
>> I'm not quire sure your question. Let me try to answer.
>> In my implementation, I set address_no_taken in
>> lib/Transformation/IPO/GlobalOpt.cpp.
>> In this pass, it tries to see if a global var has its address taken
>> before it tries to optimize
>> the global variable.
>> ModRef is immaterial in this regard.
>> What I'm try to say in "A4"  is that it is really *troublesome* if we
>> save the
>> addr-taken-analysis result to a analysis-pass (rather than cache the
>> result to
>> GlobalVariable::addr_not_taken).  If we really have to implement this
>> way,
>> we need to at very least implement following two steps:
> Okay, sounds good. IIRC, GlobalsModRef currently (also) determines whether or not a global has its address taken. It might make sense to unify that logic with what you're proposing for GlobalOpt, and it seems like it would definitely make sense to let GlobalsModRef take advantage of the address_not_taken bit.
I don't read ModRef carefully. I think it make some sense to factor out 
the addr-taken analysis. Such that
other pass can take advantage of it.

> Also, as a general note, I don't see why any of this should be LTO-specific. For variables with local (internal) linkage, we can do the analysis on a per-module basis, and I don't understand why we currently don't.
> Thanks again,
> Hal
You can understand from this example: Suppose the a.c b.c comprise the 
program where a.c has some static variable whose address
are not taken.  The addr-taken information collected during stage 
time-stamp-0 cannot be found at time-stamp-1.2.

If we were saving the addr-not-taken info in 
GlobalVariable::not_addr_taken, optimizations in 1.2 will automatically 
benefit from
cached information.

    clang *.c -flto -c -o a.o

time stamp 1:
    clang *.o -flto -o a.out

time stamp 1.1):  link a.o b.o into merged.o
time stamp 1.2):  do some optimizations
time stamp 1.3): addr-taken is re-analyzed.

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