[LLVMdev] First attempt at recognizing pointer reduction

Renato Golin renato.golin at linaro.org
Wed Oct 23 07:41:02 PDT 2013

On 21 October 2013 17:29, Arnold Schwaighofer <aschwaighofer at apple.com>wrote:

> I don’t think that recognizing this as a reduction is going to get you
> far. A reduction is beneficial if the value reduced is only truly needed
> outside of a loop.
> This is not the case here (we are storing/loading from the pointer).

Hi Arnold, Nadav,

Let me resurrect this discussion a bit.

There are few things that I need to check while validating a stride access
 1. If there is an induction variable, and it has stride > 1. This is easy,
and can be easily extended on isInductionVariable() by adding Step
to InductionInfo;
 2. If the reduction variables' access are sequential and compatible with
the stride. This is the core of the change, and will require SCEV
computation, as extensively described by Arnold.
 3. If the reduction variable has any use outside of the loop. This will
need to account for global variables, which is in itself, a use of the
computed value.

The problem I'm having, and why I'm resurrecting this thread, is in this
simple code:

#define OFFSET 255
extern char b[OFFSET];
char *fn1 (char a[]) {
    unsigned i;

    for (i=0; i<OFFSET; i += 3) {
      a[i] = OFFSET - b[i] - DELTA;
      a[i+1] = OFFSET - b[i+1] - DELTA;
      a[i+2] = OFFSET - b[i+2] - DELTA;
    return &a[0];

This is the most trivial example. The exit count is constant, the
operations are the same and compatible with the stride of 3, and the
variable "a" is used outside the loop. However, the optimized code that the
vectorizer sees is after SCEV has passed through it, leaving the IR very
similar to my original example:

for.body:                                         ; preds = %entry,
  %indvars.iv = phi i64 [ 0, %entry ], [ %indvars.iv.next, %for.body ]
  %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds [255 x i8]* @b, i64 0, i64 %indvars.iv
  %0 = load i8* %arrayidx, align 1
  %1 = xor i8 %0, -1
  %2 = load i8* @DELTA, align 1
  %sub2 = sub i8 %1, %2
  %arrayidx5 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %a, i64 %indvars.iv
  store i8 %sub2, i8* %arrayidx5, align 1
  %indvars.iv.next = add nuw nsw i64 %indvars.iv, 3
  %11 = trunc i64 %indvars.iv.next to i32
  %cmp = icmp ult i32 %11, 255
  br i1 %cmp, label %for.body, label %for.end

So, as you can see, my original patch to recognize pointer reductions is
still relevant, since I'll need to act on the list of induction and
reduction variables to discover if the reduction's stride is compatible
with the induction's step.

Also, I'll need that to make sure that the reduction in question has access
outside (via global / extern qualifiers), so ignoring load/store
instructions that won't have any users, because the variables are not used
directly, but through &a[0].


I agree with you that the analysis should not be done exclusively trying to
manipulate the pointer reduction variables (but using SCEV as you
describe), but I can't see how I can get past the validation phase if, at
least, I don't recognize the GEP PHIs as a reduction variable.

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