[LLVMdev] Pass sequence

Andrew Trick atrick at apple.com
Sun Oct 6 18:28:40 PDT 2013

On Oct 5, 2013, at 9:17 PM, Niko Zarzani <koni10 at hotmail.it> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I wrote 2 passes and I want to make run llvm run the passes in this order:
>  -mem2reg -load=…/mypass1.dylib -mypass1 -load=…/mypass2.dylib -mypass2 -O1 -O2 -O3
> I know I can do this by manually passing them as an argument to opt.
> Is there any way to force this sequence directly from clang?
> I am asking this because I am trying to compile a program and I can specify in the ./configure the CC and CFLAGS options. So if there is an option to force the sequence directly from clang it would be the easiest thing to do.
> If there is not, is there a way to specify this order by modifying the llvm code?
> I am new to the PassManager and PassRegistry and I am not sure if I should use them, therefore every detailed procedure will be appreciated.

In answer to the last part of your question, maybe you're looking for PassManagerBuilder::populateModulePassManager.


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