[LLVMdev] Unaligned load/store for callee-saved 128-bit registers

Francois Pichet pichet2000 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 18 12:26:30 PST 2013

On my (out-of-tree) target I have 16 128-bit registers.
Unaligned load/store are illegal. (must 16-bytes aligned)

8 of those registers are defined as callee-saved and 8 caller-saved.
The default stack size is 4 bytes.
The target implements dynamic stack realign to make sure the stack will
always be aligned correctly when necessary.

Yet I am still getting unaligned load/store when running this test case:

The problem is in PEI::calculateCalleeSavedRegisters:

      // We may not be able to satisfy the desired alignment specification
      // the TargetRegisterClass if the stack alignment is smaller. Use the
      // min.
      Align = std::min(Align, StackAlign);
      FrameIdx = MFI->CreateStackObject(RC->getSize(), Align, true);

This will create unaligned load/store for a callee-saved 128-bit register
on the frame slot because StackAlign is 4.

Adding a check for stack realignable or putting all the 128-bit registers
as caller-save will fix the problem.
    if (!TFI->isStackRealignable())      <--- new line
      Align = std::min(Align, StackAlign);

Is this a bug or am I missing something?

Francois Pichet, Octasic.
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