[LLVMdev] LoopPass symbol error

Giacomo Tagliabue giacomo.tag at gmail.com
Wed May 8 19:43:28 PDT 2013

I am building a loop pass following these instructions:
Everything works fine, I did it many times for Function Passes, but in the
runOnLoopmethod, whenever I call a method of the loop L passed as argument,
for example L->begin(), I get the following error:

opt: symbol lookup error: /home/giacomo/llvmcsfv/Debug+Asserts/lib/Acsl.so:
> undefined symbol: _ZNK4llvm8LoopBaseINS_10BasicBlockENS_4LoopEE5beginEv

Where Acsl is the name of the loadable module. If I remove all the
instructions from runOnPass but a debug print, it works fine (it prints
it), so the problem is not the module.
Does anybody have any Idea?
Thank you very much,
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