[LLVMdev] [Announcement] Call For 3.3 Testers!

Renato Golin renato.golin at linaro.org
Thu May 2 01:51:31 PDT 2013

Hi Bill,

On 29 April 2013 21:12, Bill Wendling <wendling at apple.com> wrote:

> 1) You will maintain a machine for the duration of testing. Updating the
> OS or tools would add extra variables to the equation that may delay
> testing. So we expect your machine to be stable the whole time.

I have machines ready to test ARM on Linux. They're reasonably stable, and
there's more than one, so it should be pretty uneventful.

2) You will compile the previous release (3.2) and then run the full test
> suite for that release. This is your baseline for future testing.


3) When the newest release candidate is announced, you'll download the
> release candidate's sources, compile them, and run the regression tests.
4) Assuming that the regression tests passed, you will then run the full
> test suite.

We currently have check-all and test-suite bots running, so that shouldn't
be a problem.

7) Most importantly: You are expected to file PR reports for *any* issues
> you run into.


We plan for two iterations of the above type of testing, with a week in
> between them to allow for bug fixing. If we have show stoppers after the
> second round, we will need to add a third round of testing, but we strive
> to avoid that as much as possible. The whole process takes roughly a month
> to do.

I haven't tested dragonegg and other tools on our boards yet. Sylvestre
runs some of those tests on his lab, and he now has some ARM boards, but
that might not be ready for the release process.

If all else fail, and we can't test something, Is it possible to officially
release just LLVM+Clang this time?

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