[LLVMdev] tbaa metadata representation

Tran Ma tranma at cse.unsw.edu.au
Mon Mar 4 23:12:14 PST 2013

Hi all,

A while ago there was a discussion on changing the current "set of trees"
representation of TBAA metadata to be more expressive, prompted by the need
to support C structs. Dan Gohman also talked about the issue here:
http://llvm.org/devmtg/2012-11/Gohman-AliasAnalysis.pdf. It was suggested
that the trees be replaced by a type DAG then. While working on this
compiler <http://disciple.ouroborus.net/>, I ended up using an undirected
graph to represent aliasing instead, I believe it might be suitable for
TBAA's purposes as well, for the following reasons.

* Does the graph need to be acyclic? Consider these struct types:

    struct a { type1 x; type2 y }

    struct b { type2 y; type3 z }

    struct c { type3 z; type1 x }

They form the following alias graph (sorry about the crappy ascii art):

    a --> b --> c -+


Which won't be representable if we force our tbaa graph to be acyclic.

* Does it need to be directed? If we use a directed graph, then I suppose
we'd be relying on "reachability" in both directions to find out if
something aliases something else:

    +-->  char  <--+

    |              |

   float          int

    ^              ^

    |___ MyClass __|

To answer "does myclass alias char?", we'd need to check (myclass is
reachable from char || char is reachable from myclass), similar to how two
things alias if they are ascendant/descendant of each other in the current
tree representation. Since we're going both ways, I think it makes
sense to just
reify the reachability edges like this (note the lack of direction, now to
check if two things alias, we simply ask if there is an edge connecting

    +---  char  ---+

    |       |      |

  float     |     int

    |___ MyClass __|

This can be represented with a (pretty dense) adjacency matrix and queried
in constant time, so I thought it might be faster.

>From what I can gather without delving deep into the codebase, it's easiest
right now to change from the "set of trees" representation to a directed
graph, but I don't think changing to an undirected graph would be much
harder (please correct me if I'm wrong). I'd like to try and tackle the
implementation as well, if that's ok.


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