[LLVMdev] [PATCH] parallel loop metadata

Tobias Grosser tobias at grosser.es
Thu Jan 31 23:38:16 PST 2013

On 01/31/2013 03:40 PM, Pekka Jääskeläinen wrote:
> Dear all,
> Here's an updated version of the parallel loop metadata patch.
> It includes documentation for the new metadata types with
> a semantics description.

Hi Pekka,

I think this looks already very nice. Some more comments:

> Index: llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/LoopInfo.h
> ===================================================================
> --- llvm.orig/include/llvm/Analysis/LoopInfo.h	2013-01-29 23:40:09.480348774 +0200
> +++ llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/LoopInfo.h	2013-01-31 16:13:16.517296071 +0200
> @@ -381,6 +381,19 @@
>     /// isSafeToClone - Return true if the loop body is safe to clone in practice.
>     bool isSafeToClone() const;
> +  /// isParallel - Returns true if the loop should be considered as
> +  /// a "parallel loop" with freely scheduled iterations. A parallel loop can
> +  /// be assumed to not contain any dependencies between iterations by the compiler.
> +  /// That is, any loop-carried dependency checking can be skipped completely when
> +  /// parallelizing the loop on the target machine. Thus, if the parallel loop
> +  /// information originates from the programmer, e.g. via the OpenMP parallel
> +  /// for pragma, it is the programmer's responsibility to ensure the are no
> +  /// loop-carried dependencies. The final execution order of the instructions
> +  /// across iterations is not guaranteed, thus, the end result might or might
          might or might _not_
> +  /// implement actual concurrent execution of instructions across multiple
> +  /// iterations.

This comment is not formatted to our new doxygen style. LLVM now does 
not repeat the function name in the comment. Instead it has a brief 
comment followed by a full comment. Something like

/// Check if a loop is parallel
/// Returns true if the loop should be considered ....

> +  bool isParallel() const;
> +
>     /// hasDedicatedExits - Return true if no exit block for the loop
>     /// has a predecessor that is outside the loop.

Same here, do not repeat the function name.

>     bool hasDedicatedExits() const;
> Index: llvm/lib/Analysis/LoopInfo.cpp
> ===================================================================
> --- llvm.orig/lib/Analysis/LoopInfo.cpp	2013-01-29 23:40:12.164348629 +0200
> +++ llvm/lib/Analysis/LoopInfo.cpp	2013-01-31 13:20:04.885692041 +0200
> @@ -233,6 +233,31 @@
>     return true;
>   }
> +
> +bool Loop::isParallel() const {
> +
> +  BasicBlock *latch = getLoopLatch();
> +  if (latch == NULL ||
> +      latch->getTerminator()->getMetadata("llvm.loop.parallel") == NULL)
> +    return false;
> +
> +  // The loop branch contains the parallel loop metadata. In order to ensure
> +  // that any parallel-loop-unaware optimization pass hasn't added loop-carried
> +  // dependencies (thus converted the loop back to a sequential loop), check
> +  // that all the memory instructions in the loop contain parallelism metadata.
> +  for (block_iterator i = block_begin(), e = block_end(); i != e; ++i) {
> +    for (BasicBlock::iterator ii = (*i)->begin(), ee = (*i)->end();
> +         ii != ee; ii++) {

In LLVM we normally use uppercase letters for iterators. 'II' and 'EE'.

> +'``llvm.loop``'
> +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> +
> +It is sometimes useful to attach information to loop constructs. Currently,
> +loop metadata is implemented as metadata attached to the branch instruction
> +in the loop latch block. Loop-level metadata is prefixed with ``llvm.loop``.
> +
> +'``llvm.loop.parallel``' Metadata
> +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> +
> +This loop metadata can be used to communicate that a loop should be considered
> +a parallel loop. The semantics of parallel loops in this case is the one
> +with the strongest cross-iteration instruction ordering freedom: the
> +iterations in the loop can be considered completely independent of each
> +other (also known as embarrasingly parallel loops).
> +
> +This metadata can originate from a programming language with parallel loop
> +constructs. In such a case it is completely the programmer's responsibility
> +to ensure the instructions from the different iterations of the loop can be
> +executed in an arbitrary order, in parallel, or intertwined. No loop-carried
> +dependency checking at all must be expected from the compiler.
> +
> +In order to fulfil the LLVM requirement for metadata to be ignorable
> +safely, it is important to ensure that a parallel loop is converted to
> +a sequential loop in case an optimization (unknowingly of the parallel loop
> +semantics) converts the loop back to such. This happens when new memory
> +accesses that do not fulfil the requirement of free ordering across iterations
> +are added to the loop. Therefore, this metadata is required, but not
> +sufficient, to consider the loop at hand a parallel loop. In order to consider
> +a loop a parallel loop, also all of its memory accessing instructions need to be
> +marked with the ```llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access``` metadata.
> +
> +'``llvm.mem``'
> +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> +
> +Metadata types used to annotate memory accesses with information helpful
> +for optimizations are prefixed with ``llvm.mem``.
> +
> +'``llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access``' Metadata
> +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> +
> +In order to consider a loop a parallel loop, in addition to using
> +the ``llvm.loop.parallel`` metadata to mark the loop latch branch instruction,
> +also all of the memory accessing instructions in the loop body need to be
> +marked with the ``llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access`` metadata. If there
> +is at least one memory accessing instruction not marked with the metadata,
> +the loop, despite it possibly using the ``llvm.loop.parallel`` metadata,
> +must be considered a sequential loop. This causes parallel loops to be
> +converted to sequential loops due to optimization passes that are unaware of
> +the parallel semantics and that insert new memory instructions to the loop
> +body.
> +
> +Example of a loop that is considered parallel due to its correct use of
> +both ``llvm.loop.parallel`` and ```llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access```
> +metadata types:
> +
> +.. code-block:: llvm
> +
> +   for.body:
> +   %indvars.iv = phi i64 [ 0, %entry ], [ %indvars.iv.next, %for.body ]
> +   %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i32* %b, i64 %indvars.iv
> +   %0 = load i32* %arrayidx, align 4, !llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access !0
> +   ...
> +   store i32 %0, i32* %arrayidx4, align 4, !llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access !0
> +   ...
> +   br i1 %exitcond, label %for.end, label %for.body, !llvm.loop.parallel !0
> +   for.end:                                          ; preds = %for.body
> +   ret void
> +   ...
> +   !0 = metadata !{i32 1}

One point I am not entirely sure is: Is the parallel_loop_access 
meta-data somehow connected to the loop.parallel metadata. I think we 
need to also ensure that the parallel_loop_access metadata in a loop 
actually comes from the loop itself and was not introduced in some other 
unrelated way. I don't have a good example where this may happen, but 
could imagine stuff like inlining or licm from inner loops. I believe it 
should not be very difficult to couple the two, no?


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