[LLVMdev] std::string

Krzysztof Parzyszek kparzysz at codeaurora.org
Mon Jan 21 05:08:32 PST 2013

On 1/21/2013 12:35 AM, Chris Lattner wrote:
> I'm confused here.  You're acting as though we don't use the STL.  In fact, we do use std::string, std::vector, std::map etc when they are the right solution for the job.

I'm trying to understand the reasoning behind the decisions made at the 
beginning of LLVM.  My working assumption is that ADT didn't exist when 
LLVM started (whereas STL did).  In such case, I'm assuming that 
creation of ADT was motivated by needs of LLVM that STL didn't meet. 
I'm trying to understand what the needs were and where STL was 
considered inadequate.  Creating a new set of containers is an 
investment, so, again, I'm assuming that there were specific motives 
that caused that investment to be made.  Benjamin's answer was actually 
very informative, that was that kind of information I was looking for.


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