[LLVMdev] Loads not hoisted out of the loop

Dimitri Tcaciuc dtcaciuc at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 22:06:49 PST 2013

Ownen, thanks for the reply. The above, however, was already compiled with
-fstrict-aliasing and -O3; doesn't look like it makes much of a difference
in this case.

As with my earlier question, I'm actually using C as a model to create a
custom frontend, which I intend to bless with more strict aliasing rules by
default. The Array is going to be a language intrinsic so I'm free to make
a suitable tbaa tree. The problem is I haven't found a good example of how
would such length-aware pointer container structure be annotated so that
loads from the data pointer are optimized as though we didn't access it
through a struct.

The struct IR looks something like

   %struct.Array = type { double*, i64 }

Then we get the GEP to data, followed by a load

   %data = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Array* %d, i64 0, i32 0
   %0 = load double** %data, align 8, !tbaa !0

where relevant TBAA looks like

    !0 = metadata !{metadata !"any pointer", metadata !1}
    !1 = metadata !{metadata !"omnipotent char", metadata !2}
    !2 = metadata !{metadata !"Simple C/C++ TBAA"}
    !3 = metadata !{metadata !"double", metadata !1}

So if I understand correctly, because double and any pointer are leafs of
omnipotent char, they can easily alias. Thus, having something like

    !4 = metadata !{metadata !"Array data", metadata !2}

   %0 = load double** %data, align 8, !tbaa !4

should do the trick?


On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 9:33 PM, Owen Anderson <resistor at mac.com> wrote:

> On Jan 17, 2013, at 9:27 PM, Dimitri Tcaciuc <dtcaciuc at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I'm looking at the following two C functions:
>     http://pastebin.com/mYWCj6d8
> Second one is about 50% slower than the first one because in the second
> case d->data[i * 3 + {X, Y, Z}] loads are not moved out of the second loop
> and are computed every time j increments, even though they don't depend on
> it. If I move those out manually, the performance of the two is equal.
> What could be the reason for this behaviour? I looked at LICM logs; the
> compiler hoists GEPs but stops short of loading the actual values. Does it
> have something to do with possible aliasing?
> Yes.
> Almost certainly, the compiler can't tell that the load from the struct
> (to get the array pointer) doesn't alias with the stores to the array
> itself.  This is exactly the kind of thing that type-based alias analysis
> (-fstrict-aliasing) can help with.   Use with caution, as it can break some
> type-unsafe idioms.
> --Owen
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