[LLVMdev] instruction scheduling issue

Xu Liu xl10 at rice.edu
Fri Jan 4 09:37:45 PST 2013

Hi all,

I'm trying to insert a function call "llvm_memory_profiling " right before each memory access. The function uses the effective address of the memory access as its single parameter.

A example is as follows: the function call at 402a99 has a parameter passed to %rdi at 402a91. One can see that the function call is exactly before the 
memory access I want to monitor because the effective address used by 402a9e is passed to the function call.

  402a91:       48 8d bc 1c 48 02 00    lea    0x248(%rsp,%rbx,1),%rdi
  402a98:       00
  402a99:       e8 82 e0 ff ff          callq  400b20 <llvm_memory_profiling at plt>
  402a9e:       f2 0f 10 84 1c 48 02    movsd  0x248(%rsp,%rbx,1),%xmm0
  402aa5:       00 00
  402aa7:       f2 0f 11 84 24 b8 01    movsd  %xmm0,0x1b8(%rsp)

However, due to instruction scheduling, the following instruction of the function call is not always the desired memory access instruction. For example, 
in the following code, the memory access is at 402afa, not right next to the function call at 402aed.

  402ae5:       48 8d bc 1c 08 02 00    lea    0x208(%rsp,%rbx,1),%rdi 
  402aec:       00  
  402aed:       e8 2e e0 ff ff          callq  400b20 <llvm_memory_profiling at plt> 
  402af2:       48 8d bc 1c c8 02 00    lea    0x2c8(%rsp,%rbx,1),%rdi 
  402af9:       00
  402afa:       f2 0f 10 84 1c 08 02    movsd  0x208(%rsp,%rbx,1),%xmm0
  402b01:       00 00

Could anyone point me how to solve this problem by modifying the instruction scheduling module in LLVM to make sure the function call instruction and the 
memory access instruction next to each other? Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Xu Liu

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