[LLVMdev] ARM assembler's syntax in clang

Ashi ashi08104 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 25 03:14:09 PST 2013

I've some problem when using clang compile my ARM assembly code:

1 .qn directive
In GAS, .qn directive is used to create typed and/or indexed register
aliases for use in Advanced SIMD Extension (Neon) instructions.(
But clang's integrated-as seems have different syntax, for example, my code:

input .qn Q6.F32

Clang would give error: unexpected token in argument list

2 .unreq
Clang doesn't recognize .unreq,  my code is as below:

px .req r0
.unreq px
px .req r1

clang give error: redefinition of 'px' does not match original.

3 .end
clang also doesn't recognize .end directive

all my code is compiled by: clang -arch armv7 -v -integrated-as -g
-mcpu=cortex-a9 -mfpu=neon -isysroot

my clang version is: Apple LLVM version 4.2 (clang-425.0.24) (based on LLVM

BTW, could any tell me which files implement integrated-as in clang source
code, I think it may also help me by looking the source code(I've tried
'grep', but with no success.)

Great Thanks!

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