[LLVMdev] x86 vs. i386 in clang ang llvm

Weiss, Eran Eran.Weiss at emc.com
Mon Feb 11 07:23:10 PST 2013


I'm a bit confused with regard to the use of x86 and i386 in clang and llvm tools.
I'm using clang to emit llvm with –m32 on a x86-64 machine. This generates a file with a target triple that uses i386.
>From the i386 llvm file I generate a .bc file with llvm-as.
When I try to generate an object file with llc -mtriple x86 -filetype=obj I get the following error:

llc: target does not support generation of this file type!

When I specify -mtriple x86_64 instead, this works.
Why can't i386 files be compiled to x64 objects files? And how can I configure clang to emit x86 llvm files?


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