[LLVMdev] Asserts in bundleWithPred() and bundleWithSucc()

Sergei Larin slarin at codeaurora.org
Fri Feb 1 15:43:08 PST 2013


  I have a question about the following (four) asserts recently added in
bundleWithPred() and bundleWithSucc() (see below). What is the real danger
of reasserting a connection even if it already exist? My problem with them
happens when I try to call finalizeBundle() on an existing bundle to which I
have added a new instruction. The goal - a new bundle header with liveness
abbreviation, but because of these asserts I now have to unbundle all, and
re-bundle them right back again for no obvious benefit...
  In other words, may I suggest removing them rather than adding new
methods?... or do you have a better suggestion?



void MachineInstr::bundleWithPred() {
  assert(!isBundledWithPred() && "MI is already bundled with its
predecessor"); <<<<<<<<<<<<
  MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator Pred = this;
  assert(!Pred->isBundledWithSucc() && "Inconsistent bundle flags");

void MachineInstr::bundleWithSucc() {
  assert(!isBundledWithSucc() && "MI is already bundled with its
successor"); <<<<<<<<<<<<<
  MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator Succ = this;
  assert(!Succ->isBundledWithPred() && "Inconsistent bundle flags");

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