[LLVMdev] Label and jump support for ms-inline-assembly

Chad Rosier mcrosier at apple.com
Fri Feb 1 12:53:52 PST 2013

On Jan 31, 2013, at 1:54 PM, Allen Saunders <allenmsaunders at gmail.com> wrote:

> Wondering if someone could tell me what would be involved to add support for jumps (within asm block, between asm blocks, and between C/C++ and asm blocks) for Microsoft inline assembly?

I have this work in my queue, but I don't know when I'll be able to get to it.  I think the first thing we want to support is jumps from asm-to-asm.  Hopefully, C-to-asm and asm-to-C will just fall out from that.  I haven't investigate, so I can't really give you an advice at the moment.

If you have more specific questions I'd be happy to help.

> Is there a rough feel for where it is on the roadmap?

Unfortunately, I could only provide a guesstimate.  Sooner, rather than later.


> Thanks,
> -Allen

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