[LLVMdev] conflicting c++ libs for building dragonegg

Duncan Sands baldrick at free.fr
Thu Aug 29 10:40:46 PDT 2013

Hi Jack,

On 29/08/13 18:35, Jack Howarth wrote:
> Duncan,
>     Is there a long term plan for handling the conflicting c++ libraries in building
> dragonegg? In particular, as vendors switch their clang++ system compilers to default
> to -stdlib=libc++, the resulting builds of llvm against those compilers will be using
> the libc++ ABI but the dragonegg plugin will still need to be built against the
> libstdc++ ABI. For now, the only work-around appears to be building llvm with
> -stdlib=libstc++.

I didn't understand the problem.

Ciao, Duncan.

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