[LLVMdev] [Proposal] Speculative execution of function calls

Nick Lewycky nlewycky at google.com
Thu Aug 8 19:55:00 PDT 2013

On 31 July 2013 05:32, Renato Golin <renato.golin at linaro.org> wrote:

> On 31 July 2013 11:56, David Chisnall <David.Chisnall at cl.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
>> The slightly orthogonal question to safety is the cost of execution.  For
>> most intrinsics that represent CPU instructions, executing them
>> speculatively is cheaper than a conditional jump, but this is not the case
>> for all (for example, some forms of divide instructions on in-order RISC
>> processors).  For other functions, it's even worse because the cost may be
>> dependent on the input.  Consider as a trivial example the well-loved
>> recursive Fibonacci function.  This is always safe to call speculatively,
>> because it only touches local variables.  It is, however, probably never a
>> good idea to do so.  It's also likely that the cost of a real function call
>> is far more expensive than the elided jump, although this may not be the
>> case on GPUs where divergent flow control is more expensive than redundant
>> execution.  Making this decision requires knowledge of both the target
>> architecture and the complexity of the function, which may be dependent on
>> its inputs.  Even in your examples, some of the functions are only safe to
>> speculatively execute for some subset of their inputs, and you haven't
>> proposed a way of determining this.
> David,
> If I got it right, this is a proposal for a framework to annotate
> speculative-safe functions, not a pass that will identify all cases. So,
> yes, different back-ends can annotate their safe intrinsics, front-ends can
> annotate their safe calls, and it'll always be a small subset, as with most
> of other optimizations.
> As for letting optimization passes use that info, well, it could in theory
> be possible to count the number of instructions on the callee, and make
> sure it has no other calls, side-effects or undefined behaviour, and again,
> that would have to be very conservative.

Correct. Safety and cost are two different things. It's important to
remember that safety and cost are two different things.

The issue Michael raised is a great one, can we safely assume no undefined
behaviour? Do we have intrinsics today which will exhibit undefined
behaviour if called with certain arguments? Absolutely, @llvm.memcpy for
one. But is there one which is "nounwind readnone" yet can't be safely
speculated? It may be that all nounwind+readnone intrinsics are also
speculatable, but it would help justify this patch if we had a
counterexample to point to.

That aside, we have a situation where nounwind+readnone intrinsics may be
speculated, but nounwind+readnone calls may not. This doesn't quite solve
the problem for all users. LLVM may be used in an environment which
provides intrinsic-like functions as part of the language, but for whatever
reason don't belong as intrinsics (either because they aren't core llvm and
can't be upstreamed -- a mythical get_gpu_context -- or because they aren't
part of a single target). I don't have this problem myself though. Michael,
could you give concrete examples from OpenCL?

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