[LLVMdev] A new mechanism to compiler kernel modules using llvm: Defer type evaluation in clang?

Jovi Zhang bookjovi at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 22:45:31 PDT 2013

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 12:46 AM, James Courtier-Dutton
<james.dutton at gmail.com> wrote:
> I sounds me that you are just substituting "compile C source file" for
> "compile LLVM IR source file" or "compile LLVM IR .o file"
> The problem is you wish to link in the linux kernel headers at "install" time.
> The problem I see is that the linux kernel headers are C source files,
> so how is that going to work?
> You need a C compiler to understand the Linux kernel headers.
Thanks, not that complicated.
We indeed need to handle kernel header file in install time, but not
the raw header .h file,
likely it will be a raw text file include all structure offset/sizeof
info, this is the file I called
as kernel ABI file, its size is small in target machine.

whatever how this raw text generated, that's not the core part of design.

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