[LLVMdev] operator overloading fails while debugging with gdb for i386

Mayur Pandey mayurthebond at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 23:10:06 PST 2012

For the given test:

class A1 {
  int x;
  int y;


  A1(int a, int b)

A1 operator+(const A1&);

A1 A1::operator+(const A1& second)
 A1 sum(0,0);
 sum.x = x + second.x;
 sum.y = y + second.y;

 return (sum);

int main (void)
 A1 one(2,3);
 A1 two(4,5);

 return 0;

when the exectable of this code is debugged in gdb for i386, we dont get the
expected results.

when we break at return 0; and give the command: print one + two, the result
should be $1 = {x = 6, y = 8}, but the result obtained is $1 = {x = 2, y = 3}.

This is related to debug information generated, as normally the overloading is
eg: A1 three = one + two results {x = 6, y = 8}.

On checking the assembly, a suspicious entry is found which may be related for
the failure:

    #DEBUG_VALUE: operator+:this <- undef
    #DEBUG_VALUE: operator+:second <- undef

Thanx & Regards
*Mayur Pandey *
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