[LLVMdev] Getting unique instruction identifier ( Insturction.h)

Caldarale, Charles R Chuck.Caldarale at unisys.com
Sun Nov 4 21:35:28 PST 2012

> From: llvmdev-bounces at cs.uiuc.edu [mailto:llvmdev-bounces at cs.uiuc.edu] 
> On Behalf Of janarbek
> Subject: [LLVMdev] Getting unique instruction identifier ( Insturction.h)

> The following IR has "mul4". I am wondering if  "4 " is generated by SSA ? 

Yes, since your supplied label ("mul") isn't unique.

> Also is there any method that gives me "mul4".

llvm::Value::getName() returns a StringRef for the label.

 - Chuck

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