[LLVMdev] use AVX automatically if present

Pan, Wei wei.pan at intel.com
Thu May 24 14:50:13 PDT 2012

Very likely AVX is not enabled in your llc. This feature was enabled just recently (late of April).

-----Original Message-----
From: llvmdev-bounces at cs.uiuc.edu [mailto:llvmdev-bounces at cs.uiuc.edu] On Behalf Of Henning Thielemann
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2012 4:20 PM
To: LLVM developer mailing list
Subject: [LLVMdev] use AVX automatically if present

I wonder why AVX is not used automatically if available at the host machine. In contrast to that, SSE41 instructions (like pmulld) are automatically used if the host machine supports SSE41.


$ cat avx.ll

define void @_fun1(<8 x float>*, <8 x float>*) {
   %x = load <8 x float>* %0
   %y = load <8 x float>* %1
   %z = fadd <8 x float> %x, %y
   store <8 x float> %z, <8 x float>* %0
   ret void

$ llc -o - avx.ll
         .file   "avx.ll"
         .globl  _fun1
         .align  16, 0x90
         .type   _fun1, at function
_fun1:                                  # @_fun1
# BB#0:                                 # %_L1
         movaps  (%rdi), %xmm0
         movaps  16(%rdi), %xmm1
         addps   (%rsi), %xmm0
         addps   16(%rsi), %xmm1
         movaps  %xmm1, 16(%rdi)
         movaps  %xmm0, (%rdi)
         .size   _fun1, .Ltmp0-_fun1

         .section        ".note.GNU-stack","", at progbits

$ llc -o - -mattr avx avx.ll
         .file   "avx.ll"
         .globl  _fun1
         .align  16, 0x90
         .type   _fun1, at function
_fun1:                                  # @_fun1
# BB#0:                                 # %_L1
         pushq   %rbp
         .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
         .cfi_offset %rbp, -16
         movq    %rsp, %rbp
         .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp
         vmovaps (%rdi), %ymm0
         vaddps  (%rsi), %ymm0, %ymm0
         vmovaps %ymm0, (%rdi)
         popq    %rbp
         .size   _fun1, .Ltmp5-_fun1

         .section        ".note.GNU-stack","", at progbits

I guess your answer is that I did not specify a target triple. However why is SSE41 automatically detected and AVX is not?
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