[LLVMdev] Fwd: Tiny bug in Kaleidoscope sample (FALSE ALARM)

Mikael Lyngvig mikael at lyngvig.org
Sun May 13 18:04:48 PDT 2012

Nope, it seems that the code is correct after all.  Perhaps a bit unclear,
but correct.  So shame on me!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mikael Lyngvig <mikael at lyngvig.org>
Date: 2012/5/14
Subject: Tiny bug in Kaleidoscope sample
To: llvmdev at cs.uiuc.edu


As far as I can tell, there's a tiny error in the sample code for the
Kaleidoscope interpreter, which is part of the Tutorial:

    1. The function GetTokPrecedence() returns -1 on error (i.e. if the
input character is a character value above 127).
    2. The caller of GetTokPrecedence() never checks for this so if the
input character is an 8-bit character, it is treated as a valid binary

I know this won't make the planet explode and that mankind will possibly
survive another 200 years despite this bug, but I thought you'd want to

Mikael Lyngvig

-- Earth is a soddy place.  Stay away!
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