[LLVMdev] Fwd: RFC: "Building with MinGW on Windows" (DOC, NEW)

Mikael Lyngvig mikael at lyngvig.org
Mon Jun 18 01:59:45 PDT 2012

Takumi, I've had to give up of the idea of presenting "make check" (ninja
check), "make clang-test", and so on.  It needs GnuWin32 and I got some
beating for having included that in the original document.  So all checks
and tests are presented in the "Testing on Windows" document or whichever
name it'll end up having.

Instead, Ninja is now the my prescribed build tool on Windows :-)  No more
funny "make -jN" issues.  No more waiting forever on "make -j1".

-- Disclaimer: I am *not* arrogant in real life, so if you perceive me as
being arrogant, you are to blame ;-)

2012/6/17 Mikael Lyngvig <mikael at lyngvig.org>

> Oh, didn't realize that there already is a semi-official build of CMake
> with Ninja support.  I am trying it out right now and it seems very
> promising.  So I'll change the document to use Ninja instead of "MinGW
> Makefiles".  No need to waste energy on MinGW and MSYS Makefiles when Ninja
> outdoes them both.  I thought people would have to build CMake themselves,
> something I'd rather avoid to keep things simple.
> 2012/6/17 Mikael Lyngvig <mikael at lyngvig.org>
>> As for Ninja, I'd like to wait until it is officially part of the
>> released CMake.  As I understand it, Windows support has been checked into
>> the CMake repository but no offical release supporting Ninja has been made
>> yet.
>> I just retrieved Ninja from Github and this time it built without
>> problems.
>> 2012/6/16 NAKAMURA Takumi <geek4civic at gmail.com>
>>> Mikael,
>>> Thanks for working on.
>>> My gross comments...
>>> - Canonical URL of LLVM project is; http://llvm.org/ , not www.llvm.org.
>>> - "test-suite and cygwin" could be split out. It would be special thing.
>>> - Memory/storage requirements would be moved to "A.B Debugging". Less
>>> memory would be enough without debug build.
>>> - Python (x64 binary) is available, too. I am using.
>>>  Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Nov 27 2010, 17:19:03) [MSC v.1500 64 bit
>>> (AMD64)] on win32
>>> - Distinguish "test-suite" and "{llvm|clang} tests". (Installing
>>> GnuWin32)
>>> - Don't recommend to delete MSYS sh.exe in "Installing CMake". Use
>>> MSYS Makefiles instead with msys.
>>> - gnuwin32 is not needed on %PATH% if gnuwin32 is dedicated to tests.
>>> Use LLVM_LIT_TOOLS_DIR instead then.
>>>  (gnuwin32 is not needed when person is working on MSYS bash shell, FYI)
>>> - cmake and python are needed on %PATH%, as long as they are not
>>> invoked explicitly.
>>>  cmake-generated Makefiles know where they are.
>>>  eg. "make edit_cache", "make check"
>>> - If the target of this would be for newbies, you may mention
>>> "cmake-gui", too.
>>>  FYI, I am usually use cmake-gui.exe, because I am n00b.
>>> - (Building the Sources), In my experience, make.exe -jN tends to be
>>> choked. I don't know where is -jN-stable gnu make on mingw. (Lemme
>>> know if you knew better version of make!)
>>> - Why don't you mention "make {check|clang-test|check-all}", despite
>>> of introducing gnuwin32?
>>> - You forgot to mention a few important cmake variables.
>>>  - CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release (for most purpose)
>>>  - CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX (Who would be happy if clang were installed
>>> onto C:\PROGRA~1\?)
>>>  - LLVM_LIT_TOOLS_DIR, to use gnuwin32 dedicated to testing llvm and
>>> clang.
>>>  - LLVM_EXTERNAL_CLANG_SOURCE_DIR, to check out clang outside from
>>> llvm source tree
>>>  - PYTHON_EXECUTABLE, if %PATH% does not contain python.
>>> - Consider to introduce ninja?
>>> Anyway, this could be integrated to "GettingStartedVS.html" ;)
>>> ...Takumi
>>> ps. feel free to visit and ask me on the irc, oftc#llvm.
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