[LLVMdev] how to let memory dependency analysis use globalsmodref

Jin Guoliang jingl1345 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 31 15:42:14 PDT 2012

Hi there,

I am doing:

opt -print-memdeps ./test.bc -analyze -globalsmodref-aa

by adding globalsmodref-aa, I am hoping that globalsmodref alias analysis
will be used. However, it does not turn out to be so. I found this out by
adding some "errs() << " into the source code for that alias analysis.

So my question is what should I do to let memory dependency analysis use
globalsmodref alias analysis.

I have tried other alias analysis and found out that if basic-aa and tbaa
can be utilized, but not -libcall-aa -globalsmodref-aa.

I also found out that -libcall-aa -globalsmodref-aa has member function
runOnFunction and runOnModule respectively, but basic-aa and tbaa do not.

Again, my question is what should I do to let memory dependency analysis
use globalsmodref alias analysis.

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