[LLVMdev] Setting up a cross-compiler for cortex-m3

Renato Golin rengolin at systemcall.org
Wed Jul 18 07:31:20 PDT 2012

On 18 July 2012 15:24, salvatore benedetto
<salvatore.benedetto at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not sure how to interpret the above output, but I don't understand
> why if say  -triple armv4t-none--gnueabi .

Ok, we're getting there... ;)

I think these errors are due to Clang not finding the
libraries/includes/etc for the target you're building.

If you have CodeSourcery's GCC, use that (via --sysroot or
-ccc-gcc-name I said earlier), it's by far the easiest way.

I'm not sure compiler-rt is ready for prime time (someone else might
chip in), but that might be an alternative, though I have no idea how
to use it.



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