[LLVMdev] Introductions to everyone and a call for Python-LLVM enthusiasts

Joerg Blank j.blank at fz-juelich.de
Wed Jul 11 12:14:29 PDT 2012

Hello Duncan,

> thanks for your interesting email.  Do you understand why PyPy is no longer
> using LLVM, and why Unladen Swallow died?  Does LLVM need to be improved in
> some way?

The answers to all these questions are linked: LLVM is not fast enough
(for a JIT). Of course this is not the whole story, but it is the
LLVM-relevant part.

Let's have a look at some random performance numbers from one of my pet

Generate-time: 0.000377893
Compile-time: 0.00987911
1) 0.012272357940673828
2) 0.0018310546875
3) 0.0037310123443603516

Generate-Time is the time it takes for my code to generate the llvm-ir.
Compile-Time is llvm-opts + codegen (mcjit). And this is for a really
small function.

1) Is the total time for jitting + running
2) time for running the compiled code
3) time in the native interpreter

While 2) is entirely in the domain of the person using LLVM, the other
times gives us some serious points for consideration: One needs to be
really really fast to offset the cost of compiling something. And we
have to be really sure what we compile (dynamic feedback) because
recompilation is expensive too.

This is less of a problem for long running processes, but think about a
javascript jit.
LLVM is also really memory hungry: Lua + LuaJIT uses just 200kb, LLVM
alone is much larger. Again less of a problem for server processes, as
dynamic libs are shared.

Full Disclosure: I was a independent contributor to Unladen Swallow

Unladen Swallow failed on 2). It was clearly targeted on long running
processes, but it failed to provide a reasonable performance boost in
compiled code. It had to fight some llvm bugs (this was quite some time
ago already) and by the time the jit worked, too much time had already
passed (for Google). It also head a top-down development model: Start
with a general compiled function (just removing the dispatch overhead)
and add optimization later. Trying to get low hanging fruits first may
have be a better idea.

PyPy changed because of the above + they missed some features. One has
to admit that the garbage collection interface was (is?) in some pretty
bad shape. PyPy relies heavly on its gc.
They also need to be able to patch jumps to add new compiled traces to
failed guards.
They could write their new asm in (r)python ... so they did.

What LLVM needs (imho): LLVM was build as a compiler, not a jit. That's
a big difference on the assumptions about runtime and code quality.
In a jit you do not care if the register allocation is not optimal, when
you get your compiled code fast. If you want to compete with GCC, every
stack spill counts!

tl;dr much faster code gen (even if it costs code quality), lower memory
use, more information about the generated machinecode.


Joerg Bank

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