[LLVMdev] dragonegg arm patch

Jin Gu Kang jaykang10 at imrc.kist.re.kr
Sun Jan 29 13:41:49 PST 2012

Hi Duncan,

I appreciate your kind review.

I'd like to help you to build an ARM cross compiler.

I built GCC as following.

1. Download "arm-2010.09-50-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2"
You can find this file on https://sourcery.mentor.com/sgpp/lite/arm/portal/release1600.
(Please click "IA32 GNU/Linux TAR" on Packages.)

2. Extract this file on your linux machine.

3. Add "bin" directory of extracted file to PATH.
(ex: PATH=$PATH:"/home/jaykang10/Projects/ARM/arm-2010.09/bin)

4. configure gcc-4.6 as following. (I used gcc-4.6.2)
"source directory"/configure --prefix="install directory"
 --target="ARM target"
 --with-gnu-as="ARM assembler"
 --with-gnu-ld="ARM linker"
 --with-sysroot="directory to condiser as root filesystem"
 --with-arch="ARM arch"

Extracted arm-2010.09 toolchain is used for --with-gnu-as, --with-gnu-ld and
 --with-sysroot options.
For example,
../../src/gcc-4.6.2/configure --prefix=/home/jaykang10/Projects/dragonegg/bin/gcc-4.6/

5. make and make intall

I will modify code to use CallingConv::ID as integer.

Thanks for your kind review,
Jin-Gu Kang

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