[LLVMdev] A potential bug in helper function "fieldFromInstruction" in tablegen'erated file "XXXGenDisassemblerTables.inc"

Triple Yang triple.yang at gmail.com
Fri Dec 21 09:38:05 PST 2012

Helper function:

template<typename InsnType>
static InsnType fieldFromInstruction(InsnType insn, unsigned startBit,
                                     unsigned numBits) {
    assert(startBit + numBits <= (sizeof(InsnType)*8) &&
           "Instruction field out of bounds!");
    InsnType fieldMask;
    if (numBits == sizeof(InsnType)*8)
      fieldMask = (InsnType)(-1LL);
      fieldMask = ((1 << numBits) - 1) << startBit;
    return (insn & fieldMask) >> startBit;

may fail if the last parameter "startBit" is larger than 31 which is
likely to occur when instruction sets have encodings more than 32

In "else" statement, RHS is evaluated on 32-bit integers, and thus
might result in decoding errors in 32-bit platforms.

fieldMask = ((1 << numBits) - 1) << startBit;

should be:

fieldMask = ((uint64_t(1) << numBits) - 1) << startBit;

or something similar.

Can someone clarify this situation? Thanks.

æšć‹‡ć‹‡ (Yang Yongyong)

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