[LLVMdev] Exception Tables in latest LLVM

Yiannis Tsiouris yiannis.tsiouris at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 07:42:13 PDT 2011

Hey everybody!

I have been using llvm 2.8 (i know ancient history!) for a backend that i
was implementing. I have been trying to port my patches to latest llvm (svn
build) lately but i have one problem as far as the Exception Handling
mechanism is concerned. It seems that there are no Exception Tables
generated any more such as the one below:

.section    .gcc_except_table,"a", at progbits
    .align    4
    .byte    255                     # @LPStart Encoding = omit
    .byte    3                       # @TType Encoding = udata4
    .uleb128    41              # @TType base offset
    .byte    3                       # Call site Encoding = udata4
    .uleb128    39              # Call site table length
.Lset0 = .Leh_func_begin0-.Leh_func_begin0 # Region start
    .long    .Lset0
.Lset1 = .Ltmp0-.Leh_func_begin0        # Region length
    .long    .Lset1
    .long    0                       # Landing pad
    .uleb128    0               # Action
.Lset2 = .Ltmp0-.Leh_func_begin0        # Region start
    .long    .Lset2
.Lset3 = .Ltmp1-.Ltmp0                  # Region length
    .long    .Lset3
.Lset4 = .Ltmp2-.Leh_func_begin0        # Landing pad
    .long    .Lset4
    .uleb128    0               # Action
.Lset5 = .Ltmp1-.Leh_func_begin0        # Region start
    .long    .Lset5
.Lset6 = .Leh_func_end0-.Ltmp1          # Region length
    .long    .Lset6
    .long    0                       # Landing pad
    .uleb128    0               # Action
    .align    4

I've searched for this  but i couldn't find some documentation about the
changes in the EH staff and the documentation on the website is not
complete... Is there any way i can force the generation of these tables in
current LLVM?

Thanks in advance,
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