[LLVMdev] Patch for root.html

Joe Abbey jabbey at arxan.com
Sat Nov 5 05:33:05 PDT 2011


I noticed a couple typos on root.html

Index: master/templates/root.html
--- master/templates/root.html	(revision 143775)
+++ master/templates/root.html	(working copy)
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
-<p>Our goal is to provide a good build and test overage for all supported platforms.</p>
+<p>Our goal is to provide extensive build and test coverage for all supported platforms.</p>
-  If you are willing to donate some CPU circles and some room on a hard drive, you are welcome.
+  If you are willing to donate some CPU cycles and some room on a hard drive, you are welcome.
   The instructions of how to add a build slave to the LLVM Buildbot infrastructure can be found
   in the
   <a href="http://llvm.org/docs/HowToAddABuilder.html">


Joe Abbey
Software Architect
Arxan Technologies, Inc.
1305 Cumberland Ave, Ste 215
West Lafayette, IN 47906
jabbey at arxan.com

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