[LLVMdev] LLVM teaching materials

Tobias Grosser grosser at fim.uni-passau.de
Tue May 24 04:49:18 PDT 2011

On 05/24/2011 05:18 AM, Christian Plessl wrote:
> On 28.02.2011, at 15:44, Tobias Grosser wrote:
>> On 02/28/2011 05:27 AM, Christian Plessl wrote:
>>> Hi everyone
>>> I am teaching a lecture on hardware/software codesign which, though not a dedicated compiler course, covers quite a bit of compiler related contents (general introduction, intermediate code, code generation).
>>> I'm currently considering replacing and/or extending this compiler related lecture parts with an introduction to LLVM as an example for a modern compiler framework, which we are also using extensively in our research.
>>> Does anybody know of good teaching materials on LLVM? For example, a basic compiler course that use LLVM as a example? I searched the web a bit but didn't find anything suitable.
>>> Cheers,
>>>    Christian
>> I put some slides I used on my webpage.
>> http://www.grosser.es
>> You can use them. However, they are just a bunch and only about specific
>> topics. No general compiler introduction. Furthermore, we did have a lot
>> of interactive discussions, so without having attended the class they
>> may be difficult to understand.
> Thanks, your slides have been helpful. For my course, I came up with the following set of slides for a basic introduction to LLVM.
> http://homepages.uni-paderborn.de/plessl/lectures/2011-Codesign/slides/02-Compiler-LLVM.pdf
> Anyone is welcome to use these slides.

Hey Christian,

thanks for letting us know. I really like your slides and I am tempted 
to steal quite a bit, if I talk about LLVM the next time. ;-)

One minor suggestion. You use dotty to show the CFG. I did this a long 
time and now moved to xdot.py [1]. I like it a lot better. If you put it 
in your path at least the cmake build of LLVM will automatically use it. 
(It needs to be in the path, before you run the configure)



>> It would be great to create a svn branch to share slides for such a course.
> Definitely. Such teaching materials would be very useful.
> Cheers,
>   Christian

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