[LLVMdev] Requirements for the EH representation

Charllls Alquarra charlesneedspace at yahoo.com.ar
Thu May 5 22:50:11 PDT 2011

On Apr 13, 2011, at 21:43 CDT, John McCall wrote: 

> And it's okay to have limited goals!   I personally don't;  I think we
> should aim to get the IR design good enough to support crazy resumptive
> languages with crazy custom unwinding schemes.  But I need to know what
> range of problems we're willing to consider solving before I can usefully
> weigh different solutions.

I will dare a comment on this topic well over my head, so my answer will probably only reflect my ignorance on the deepness of the subject, however, in any case i hope to get some clarification of my concepts

let me say more before i go into the idea on this post: I've used coroutines a lot in my c++ programming, and certainly when you work a lot of time with a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail.

However, it has always seemed to me that exception handling (at least on c++) is just a particular syntax of a subset of coroutine semantics:

void f() { throw 1; }
void h();

void g() {
 try {
 } catch (...) {

assumming a hypothetical Coroutine object that supports manual cleanup of the stack allocated objects, the code above is semantically equivalent to:

struct CoroutineStack {
 Coroutine* context;
 CoroutineStack* next;
Coroutine* currentContext;
CoroutineStack * nextCatchContextLink;
void f () { currentContext->yieldTo( nextCatchContextLink->context ); }
void h();

void g() {
  Coroutine tryContext( [&] => { f(); } );
  Coroutine catchContext( [&] => { h(); } );
  //define a new link to store current catch context
  // which points to outer stack contexts in this same stack
 CoroutineStack catchContextLink;
  catchContextLink.context = &catchContext;
  catchContextLink.next = nextCatchContextLink;
  nextCatchContextLink = & catchContextLink; 

in the case a rethrow happens in the catch context, the code in the catch needs to change slightly;  

 Coroutine catchContext( [&] => { h(); nextCatchContextLink = nextCatchContextLink ->next; } );

I don't know much about DWARF and other EH schemes, and i really can't say what can do a personality or a landing pad that you can't express with coroutine semantics, so forgive me if the above makes large oversights orits just Plain Silly.

does this make sense?

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