[LLVMdev] GSOC Adaptive Compilation Framework for LLVM JIT Compiler

Eric Christopher echristo at apple.com
Thu Mar 31 15:47:53 PDT 2011

>> So, one way that current projects use the JIT is via getPointerToFunction() which returns an address that can then be casted and called with the appropriate arguments. The compile task itself is often done on a separate thread. How would you deal with the updating problem in the calling application? What sort of use cases for the JIT have you looked at so far?
> I assume the updating problem means the problem when a method gets recompiled. Here is an algorithm to deal with that. Say A calls B. when B gets recompiled we patch B with br helper at the beginning of its code, then when A calls B, B branches to the helper and the helper patches the br B in A with br newB. as we don't know all the callers of B, we have to wait until they call B to know who they are and patch them one-by-one. The helper can get the address of the br B in A from the link register or some specific registers or memory locations. For newly compiled code, the address of the newB can be used. There is another problem with recompilation. obsolete methods(methods that have recompiled copies) need to be recycled. In order to do that, we will need to keep a br helper in place of the old method and reclaim the old method body. 

This all assumes that you have control over where the parent (for lack of a better term) calls the function you're compiling. This method of replacement only works when you call a stub in place of the function - since the JIT owns the stub you'll have a relocation to replace. If you are giving an actual address that is the real start of the function this won't work since you'll have no way of updating.

Just some food for though.

> As for use case, the LLVM JIT is used as an execution engine for a few number of ported languages, for example JIT compiler for PHP, in 2008 GSOC.  There are also people using LLVM JIT for industry work, https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/www-pubs/trunk/2010-01-Wennborg-Thesis.pdf. As LLVM is growing more and more powerful, LLVM JIT will become more and more attractive to language designer and implementer. And I think that is one of the most important reasons we need to have an adaptive compilation framework. This framework can also work together with the LLVM profile-guided optimizations to make LLVM JIT a much faster execution engine. 

Heh. Not quite what I meant by use cases :) I meant some "ways that you expect people will take the address of the code you are providing to run".

>> What do you have in mind for benchmarking? Which of the jitted problems were you looking at, or just running large programs through lli and that interface? (Which isn't threaded and therefore doesn't have the problems I mentioned above - it has other problems).
> Widely known benchmarks, such as SPEC CPU, would be good candidates.  In addition to these benchmarks, we may want to introduce some specific tests for Just-In-Time compilers, like ones with a small portions of the methods taking up 80%+ of the time and ones with all the methods spend about the same amount of time and ones in the middle of the two.   

*nod* You'll also want to test short lifetime code to make certain that you aren't regressing the performance of that too much as well.

> From the questions you asked, I now understand why this project might take more time than I originally anticipated. Thank You.

Thanks for looking into it. I think it's a great idea for a GSoC project.


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