[LLVMdev] Xcode 4 autocomplete of LLVM includes

Jonathan Ragan-Kelley katokop1 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 10:41:07 PDT 2011

Slightly off-topic, but I imagine this crowd must have some experience
using Xcode 4 for projects linking to LLVM. I've actually started
using Xcode 4 as an IDE for C/C++ development thanks to the vastly
improved code analysis-based tools it's inherited largely thanks to
LLVM. But, ironically, I am particularly struggling to get the tools
to parse and analyze LLVM (as a client, not for direct development in
the LLVM tree).

My current setup is extremely vanilla:

- LLVM 2.8 is installed (by Homebrew) in /usr/local/[lib,include]
- Header Search Paths for the target is set to /usr/local/include
- The LLVM headers are included as <llvm/*.h>
- The libs relevant to the project are added as library deps in the
"Link Binary With Libraries" Build Phase

Compilation (with Xcode's llvm-gcc 4.2) works, but the tools seemingly
don't parse the LLVM includes for analysis, so:

- autocomplete on LLVM types returns "no completions"
- cmd-clicking on the LLVM #include lines (e.g. #include
<llvm/Module.h>) does nothing, seemingly indicating that the parser
cannot find them to open them

Any ideas? Have others had more luck?


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