[LLVMdev] C struct as function argument
Michael Tindal
babyplatypus at me.com
Mon Jun 20 11:33:21 PDT 2011
I've been working on a wrapper for LLVM's C++ API to use from Objective-C for a scripting language I'm working on. I currently have an issue with passing arguments to a function that takes a struct argument.
typedef struct _test_struct {
int x;
int y;
} test_struct;
id testLLVMStructFuncCall(test_struct x) {
NSLog(@"%d %d",x.x,x.y);
return N(x.x + x.y);
-(void) testLLVMStructFuncCall {
CGKModule* myMod = [CGKModule moduleWithName:@"llvm_structfunccall_test"];
CGKType* testStructType = [CGKType structTypeWithElementTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[CGKType intTypeWith32Bits],[CGKType intTypeWith32Bits],nil]];
CGKFunction* lfunc = [CGKFunction functionWithName:@"testLLVMStructFuncCall" types:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[CGKType idType],testStructType,nil] intoModule:myMod];
CGKFunction* rfunc = [CGKBuilder createStandaloneCallForFunction:lfunc withArguments:[NSArray
[CGKConstant getStructOfType:testStructType
withValues:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[CGKConstant getIntConstant:N(10) bits:32],
[CGKConstant getIntConstant:N(25) bits:32],nil]],nil]
[myMod dump];
id var = [[CGKRunner runnerForModule:myMod] runCGKFunction:rfunc];
Thats the code in question. The CGK* types are part of my wrapper, and simply wrap the necessary part of the LLVM API.
Test Case '-[SVFunctionTests testLLVMStructFuncCall]' started.
; ModuleID = 'llvm_structfunccall_test'
%0 = type { i32, i32 }
declare i64* @testLLVMStructFuncCall(%0)
define i64* @0() {
%0 = call i64* @testLLVMStructFuncCall(%0 { i32 10, i32 25 })
ret i64* %0
2011-06-20 21:25:54.821 otest-x86_64[3369:707] 10 0
/Users/mtindal/Projects/Silver/Tests/SVFunctionTests.m:576: error: -[SVFunctionTests testLLVMStructFuncCall] : Expected <35>, but was <10>
Test Case '-[SVFunctionTests testLLVMStructFuncCall]' failed (0.016 seconds).
The module dump suggests everything is right, i can see in the function call the struct with the values 10 and 25, but the function is only received the 10 for the x field, nothing for the y field. Am I missing something?
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