[LLVMdev] How best to time passes using the API instead of opt? Also, memory leaks when trying to do timing in the API.

Andrew Clinton andrew at sidefx.com
Wed Jun 1 11:24:01 PDT 2011

Oh, you probably also need to create a static llvm_shutdown_obj.

On 06/01/2011 02:19 PM, Michael Ilseman wrote:
> Thanks for the reply! Unfortunately, that seems to have the same
> effect as setting llvm::TimePassesIsEnabled myself, and all my same
> problems still apply as the TimingInfo's destructor (PassManager.cpp)
> is still never called. Running it in the debugger shows that
> TimerGroup's removeTimer method is never called, nor is it's
> destructor (but it's constructor is).
> On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 11:51 AM, Andrew Clinton<andrew at sidefx.com>  wrote:
>> I got it working with this:
>>      int          argc = 2;
>>      const char  *argv[2] = {"myopt", "-time-passes"};
>>      cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, (char **)argv, "my optimizer");
>> On 06/01/2011 01:19 PM, Michael Ilseman wrote:
>>> I have some PassManagers, and I would like to output timing data for
>>> how long each pass takes to execute with a separate application using
>>> the API, rather than through an llvm tool. Unfortunately, I'm having
>>> trouble seeing how to use the existing facilities without using opt.
>>> Setting llvm::TimePassesIsEnabled before creating the PassManagers
>>> doesn't seem to output anything, though it is making Timers and
>>> TimerGroups. Even if I call llvm::getPassTimer for one of the passes
>>> (and I do get a timer that is initialized), I can't figure out to get
>>> to its TimerGroup (TG is private, but if I use a debugger, I can get
>>> it and call printAll successfully). Looking through the code,
>>> TimerGroup's removeTimer (also called in it's destructor) appears to
>>> print everything out to the info-output-file (stderr) when its Timers
>>> are all removed but I see no output, however I'm able to call
>>> llvm::CreateInfoOutputFile myself, pipe to it, and stuff shows up on
>>> stderr. In PassManager.cpp, TheTimeInfo (which is a TimingInfo), gets
>>> assigned once, and as far as I can tell never gets deleted, thus its
>>> destructor is never called, the Timers are never deleted, and the
>>> timing data is never output. Valgrind shows these Timers, TimerGroup,
>>> and TimingInfo as being memory leaks for my application when I enable
>>> llvm::TimePassesIsEnabled. Is there a way in the API to delete
>>> TheTimeInfo myself, even though TheTimeInfo is static? Also, if this
>>> is a bug/deficiency, I'm willing to patch this with some guidance,
>>> e.g. is putting "delete TheTimingInfo; TheTimeInfo = 0"; in
>>> PMTopLevelManager's destructor appropriate? Or is there a much easier
>>> solution that I'm just missing?
>>> Thanks.
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