[LLVMdev] How to define a global variable?

Rob Nikander rob.nikander at gmail.com
Wed Jan 12 14:28:49 PST 2011


I'm trying to define a mutable variable, outside functions.  The code
below is trying to evaluate an expression much like "x = 1" at the
module level in Python.  It appears that when it tries to JIT the
function there is an error because there is no storage allocated for
'x'.   How do I do that?


----- dumped IR -----
; ModuleID = 'repl-module'

%0 = type opaque

@x = external global %0*

define %0* @0() {
  store %0* inttoptr (i64 4316154480 to %0*), %0** @x
  ret %0* inttoptr (i64 4316154480 to %0*)
LLVM ERROR: Could not resolve external global address: x

----- C++ code -----
GlobalVariable *gvar = new GlobalVariable(*module, id_ty, false,
GlobalVariable::ExternalLinkage, 0, str.str());
Value *valv = gen_expr(val);
builder.CreateStore(valv, gvar, false);

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