[LLVMdev] include/Config/config.h discrepancies between CMake and autofoo builds

arrowdodger 6yearold at gmail.com
Tue Jan 4 07:45:01 PST 2011

Hello. I see many discrepancies in config.h file generated by CMake and

Most of them are following:
In autofoo-generated config:

> /* Define to 1 if you have the `<name>' function. */
> #define HAVE_<name> 1
but in CMake-generated:

> #undef HAVE_<name>
This happens because in config.h.cmake (config.h.in analog) these functions
just are not checked for.

Another difference:
autofoo sets this by default:

> #define ENABLE_PIC 1
while CMake not.

There are many other differencies, which bother me, so here is the question:
is it harmless and if not - should i try to fix it?
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