[LLVMdev] defined in discarded section `.gnu.linkonce.t...

Dineth dineth2007 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 20:36:38 PST 2011

I'm using LLVM to compile one of the MYSQL libraries and then generate
assembly using llc and compile that with gcc to create the lib and
link with the rest of the system.

I'm able to compile llc output with gcc without any problem.

However, when I try to link the server with the library compiled with
LLVM I get the following error during linking:

`.gnu.linkonce.t._ZN6BitmapILj39EEoREj' referenced in section
`.data.rel.ro' of ../storage/falcon/libXXX.1.o: defined in discarded
section `.gnu.linkonce.t._ZN6BitmapILj39EEoREj' of

I use LLVM 2.8, GCC 4.5.2, Binutils

Any help on how to get around this problem is much appreciated. Thank you.

-- dineth

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