[LLVMdev] verbosity while invoking clang

Bill Wendling wendling at apple.com
Wed Feb 16 12:59:49 PST 2011

On Feb 16, 2011, at 11:08 AM, Damien Vincent wrote:

> I am working on implementing a new target for llvm.
> So far (to make debugging easier), I was compiling a C code into 2 steps:
> 1) generate the llvm file:
> clang -ccc-host-triple mytarget -emit-llvm -S myfile.c -o myfile.ll
> 2) generate the assembly file using
> llc -march=mytarget myfile.ll
> Sometimes, I add some verbosity for the 2nd command like "-print-after-all".
> Now, I'd like to compile a C code in 1 step using clang (clang -ccc-host-triple mytarge -S myfile.c -o myfile.s)
> Is there a way to have options like "print-after-all" with clang ? (that might be a newbie question but I didn't find a clear spec of what parameters can be given to clang...).
Hi Damien,

I think you might want to use the "-mllvm" flag:

	$ clang -ccc-host-triple mytarge -S myfile.c -o myfile.s -mllvm -print-after-all


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