[LLVMdev] Branch transformation with branch-weight metadata

Hae-woo Park starlet at iris.snu.ac.kr
Tue Aug 30 22:25:06 PDT 2011

Hello :)

I am looking around __builtin_expect() directive for optimization.
( http://llvm.org/docs/BranchWeightMetadata.html )
Since it is not included in v2.9, I am searching about it on svn trunk.

I found that the lowering phase generates branch-weight metadata node for
that directive.
However, I can't find any code related to the metadata even in the branch
transformation code.
IMHO, in case the branch direction is, for example, reversed for
the corresponding branch-weight metadata also has to be changed.

In what code can I find such a metadata management code ?
Can anyone give me a hint ?

Thank you.
Have a nice day. :)

Hae-woo Park
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