[LLVMdev] Changes to Debian's linker object files breaks building LLVM [crti.o, crt1.o, crtn.o]

Marc J. Driftmeyer mjd at reanimality.com
Wed Aug 24 20:57:15 PDT 2011

Seeing as GCC 4.6 works without breaking to build LLVM instead of Clang 
I think I'm going to bug the Debian proper to make it easier for 
Clang/LLVM to get the linker update changes. After all, Debian's 
breaking an awful lot of stuff lately so it seems reasonable for them to 
add this to their To Do List.

- Marc

On 08/24/2011 07:15 PM, Eli Friedman wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 6:36 PM, Marc J. Driftmeyer<mjd at reanimality.com>  wrote:
>> I've got a simple workaround which obviously everyone will figure out:
>> mdriftmeyer at horus:/usr/lib$ sudo ln -s x86_64-linux-gnu/crti.o crti.o
>> mdriftmeyer at horus:/usr/lib$ sudo ln -s x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o crt1.o
>> mdriftmeyer at horus:/usr/lib$ sudo ln -s x86_64-linux-gnu/crtn.o crtn.o
>> My real question concerns whether or not I should file a bug report against
>> Debian not having a transition path or other means in Debian's
>> update-alternatives infrastructure to update those paths and make them
>> available system-wide or whether LLVM needs to be aware of this move and
>> update autotools configurations files for make to traverse.
> clang currently has some extremely ugly hacks to figure out how to
> link a program under Linux, and they tend to frequently break; see
> lib/Driver/ToolChains.cpp in clang.  I think there's been some
> discussion of trying to do something more sane, but nobody has stepped
> up to do the work.
> -Eli

Marc J. Driftmeyer
Email :: mjd at reanimality.com <mailto:mjd at reanimality.com>
Web :: http://www.reanimality.com
Cell :: (509) 435-5212
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