[LLVMdev] OpenMP Support for LLVM and clang

Tobias Grosser grosser at fim.uni-passau.de
Wed Oct 20 05:15:23 PDT 2010

On 10/20/2010 05:27 AM, Gautam B.T. wrote:
> Hello,
>> I propose to take a look at the mpc project, which has a LGPL licensed
>> OpenMP library. The explanations how to use MPC OpenMP directly are in a
>> header file called mpcomp_abi.h located inside the
>> mpc/MPC_OpenMP/include directory.
> I had a look at MPC's OpenMP and it seems to be both well written and
> suited for this purpose. Thanks for the pointer. I will update the
> list once I have some code.

Hey Gautam,

I would be highly interested the approach you are taking. So if you find 
the time it would be great to get some updates on design decisions you 
are taking and about the general design you are planning to implement.

Furtermore, I recommend starting to post patches early. As smaller and 
self contained patches are as easier they can be reviewed.

Looking forward to read you


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